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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 17Boxer

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 17

"W-who are you?" My voice cracks, shit I can't show fear to a man like this!

"Why does it matter? Let's stay anonymous, I can show you a good time." The man spoke as he got closer to me which led me to take a step back.

The area I was in was particularly dark but I never had this experience coming home, I was panicking. What do people do in these situations? Should I run? Should I scream? Do I fight? I didn't bring any pepper spray or any other weapon with me!

"Sir, I'd rather much not— you see I have anger management and I hate men." I spat in confidence. "So if you keep tagging along I'll just have to get angry and I'm not nice when I'm angry."

"Angry? What's that going to do?" The man laughed and took quick steps towards me.

"A lot actually, she's a lot scarier when she's angry, and trust me! I would definitely know!" Another man up from behind.

It was Felix, holy shit he saved my life thank god. I've never been so happy to see him!

"Who are you?" The man glared at Felix.

"Her boyfriend, who are you?" Felix replied and came closer to me, immediately placing his arm around me.

"Boyfriend? I don't believe, who would let their pretty girlfriend walk alone in a time like this? Any guy could snatch her up." The man scoffed.

"Are you implying my girlfriend is some sort of slut?" Felix hissed before stepping closer to the man. "Say that again, go ahead."

"Well if the shoe fits." The man looked me up and down which made me feel even more insecure.

I don't want to be treated like some sort of toy, I wasn't a slut and I don't go around playing every guy I'm with. For Pete's sake, I'm a trainee!

"I already reported the cops to you but before I go." Felix takes a step forward and turns around quickly and kicks the man to the floor.

Shit, he pulled that move in Boxer's choreography, didn't he?

Alaska, nows not the time.

"Let's go." Felix took my hand and stormed off leaving the man with a pounding headache.

We made it close to the dorms but Felix dragged me to the side with a cold glare.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Felix growled.

"What do you mean?" I glared back.

"You could have gotten yourself killed! This is why I didn't want you walking alone!" Felix spat and ran his fingers through his hair, he seemed stressed.

"Usually I walk alone I'm sorry! I feel safe even when I walk alone so I just assumed—"

"Well, you assumed wrong, Alaska! You have been here for about two months but I've been here for years. You don't know the risks of walking late at night." Felix shook his head not bothering to look at me with disappointment.

"So you just left Mako to walk alone by herself?" I scoffed.

"Well— I told her friends to come pick her up and take her back to the dorm." Felix sighed.

"And so you just let her in the store by herself?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Well, I had to make sure you were okay and she was clearly left supervised." Felix scratched the back of his neck as he turned away.

"Okay." I started walking again towards my dorm.

"Wait—" Felix stopped me again. "I just want to talk to you again."

"Really? It seems like you want to talk to other people a lot more, I think they're more interesting than me." I scoffed and shot him an eye roll.

"Alaska, that's not the case I literally have to help them train." Felix glared.

"You seem to be training Mako really well, I hope she's a better friend to you." I smiled. "But for now I really need to get going, Nina and Yuna need me."

Felix frowned at my comment but started walking next to me until I reached my dorm.

"Take care... Bubby." Felix speaks without taking a glance at me before he walks past my dorm.

I got into the building and watched him cross the street in a hurry, I felt bad. Maybe I was being too aggressive? But I don't think he cares that much, I don't know why things got so difficult. I shouldn't blame it on Mako or anyone else but myself. Was I really jealous?

"Yes, Alaska you're becoming a jealous best friend." I heard giggling from behind me.

I quickly turned around to see Nina and Yuna standing there with huge grins, oh no.

"Alaska, I can sense the tension you both have..." Yuna speaks up with a smirk.

"What?" I frowned at the girls before walking up the stairs with them. "I don't hate him and I think he doesn't hate me so why would there be tension?"

"Not that kind of tension." Yuna sighs.

"Yuna means that we both can see that you two have become extremely close these past months," Nina explains as we finally get inside our dorm room.

"Yeah and with Mako in the mix—"

"How do you know about Mako?" I asked.

"Nina told me." Yuna smiled.

"Nina— Damn it." I sighed and laid on the couch.

"She was practically begging me to explain!" Nina groaned. "It's not my fault that both you and Felix have this friendship but also lover type of relationship."

"Hold on what?" We do NOT have a romantic relationship at all!" I stood up clearly upset. "How could bother of you conclude that from just watching the way we see each other?"

"Alaska, you both feel some type of way with each other. It's even shown on camera!" Yuna clapped.

"Camera? Since when!" I panicked, I haven't even watched the episodes air and suddenly people can see the way Felix and I treat each other?

We're just friends! Nothing more! And why would I ever want to date Felix I mean he would be so much better off with a pretty talented girl like Mako or maybe a member from Itzy. He deserved someone better than me and I'm pretty sure I don't see him in that way!

"If you don't see Felix in that way then why does it seem like you always get butterflies in your belly when you're around him?" Nina asked and paid close attention to me along with Yuna.

"Hold up— Let's backtrack a little, Yuna when do you learn more English?" I try to distract them.

"Nina's been teaching me, now answer the question." Yuna glared at me.

"Jeez, guys you know what? It's getting late, we should go to sleep!" I dash to the room and locked the door as both of them chased me.

"Let us in!" Nina banged on the door gently. "You can feel the sexual tension I just know it!"

Oh, dear.

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