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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 12
I will take care of you for now

"Chan-hyung! Im home!" Felix called out as well both took off our shoes.

"Felix!" Chan shouted from another room. "I'm in the kitchen!"

We both made our way to the kitchen—Well I walked normally but Felix... He waddled to the kitchen.

"Oh, Alaska?" Chan questioned in confusion. "What brings you here?"

"Just trying to hang out with Felix, nothing to worry about." I smiled nervously.

"Yeah, we'll be hanging out in my room. When will the boys come back?" Felix asked.

"The kids will be back in about 3 hours, they went to a restaurant but I stayed back to write lyrics." Chan replied with a smile.

"Okay, I hope you finish your lyrics soon." Felix nodded and led me to his room.

"Lay down." I pointed to the bed as Felix closed the door.

Felix nodded and laid down on the bed and closed his eyes, I take the items out of my bag and began to work on Felix. I placed a mask on him, then a lip mask and under eye mask on him. I rolled the masks on with a roller I got from the store here, I don't exactly know what they're called but they're pretty good for masks.

I let it sit for about 20 minutes before taking it all out and patting his face dry with a soft towel. After that I made him lay on his stomach and that's when I could sense how terrible his back must feel.

"Shit." Felix groaned as I started to massage his nape slowly. "That means relaxing."

I chuckled as I kept working down his back, it took about 30 minutes to full massage him on the upper body. I wasn't a professional at all but I hoped it made him feel better.

He was fast asleep on the bed so I ended up pulling the covers to his chest and leaving the room, he was absolutely adorable.

I left his room and met up with Chan in the kitchen, he was now done doing the lyrics I suppose.

"Alaska, thank you for looking out for Felix. Even if you're still a trainee I can tell you're really mature." Chan said as I sat in front of him.

"It's nothing, I just hope he's able to catch a break one of these days.. His body needs rest." I told him as I placed my head on the table.

"I'll let JYP know about it, I'm thinking maybe he'll give Felix about a month to rest." Chan nodded and closed his laptop.

"Well I think I should go." I stood up from the table. "Its 10PM."

"I think you should stay." Chan stopped me. "I'd like to talk about the song you created."

"Oh no— Listen it's my first time and I know—"

"Alaska, you have great ideas! And the fact you got your friends to join in about this, it reminds me of my past 3racha days." Chan interrupted me.

"Oh." I let out an awkward chuckle and scratched the back of my nape. "Thank you but there's still a lot to improve."

"Of course, but there's always time for you to improve," Chan smiled. "I think I can edit some parts to make it even better."

"Then its all yours." I nodded. "Now I really must get going."

"Don't go." I heard a voice behind me which made me jump.

I turn around and see Felix with sleepy eyes and he gives me a back hug, burying his head into my neck with a groan.

"Alaska, you should stay its pretty late." Felix grumbled.

"I have to meet back at dorms, Lix." I sighed as I looked at Chan with pleading eyes.

"I agree, there's a spare bed in Felix's room too." Chan nodded and led us back to Felix's room.

I looked at the empty bed and then sighed, I wasn't going to win.

"Fine, but only if the other members agree." I said as I bought Felix back to his bed.

"They already agreed." Chan showed his phone. "Group chat is fine with it."

"Damn it." I sat on the empty bed as Chan left the room and closed the door.

As he closed the door Felix got up from his bed and fell onto my bed and hugged me, the members weren't lying when they said he was clingy.

"Thank you for helping me." He murmured. "It's getting late so you should go to bed too."

"No problem," I wrapped my arms around him. "That's what friends do for each other."

"Right." He turned to me with a grin. "Now go to sleep."

I turn to the wall and began to doze off while Felix rubs my head and plays with my hair, it felt very comforting.
If this happened every week for the rest of my life, I think I could live happier like this.

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