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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 41We became a memory that can't be erased

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 41
We became a memory that can't be erased

"Happy birthday to me." I whispered softly as I blew out the candle on the cupcake placed in front of me.

I was sitting at the producing desk trying to come up with a song to write and nothing was really working.

I sit back and sigh, the door to the room was open as well because of how hot it was in here.

From time to time I could hear people passing by, but I still don't know who gifted me the cupcake.

“You know, I miss the feeling I had whenever I was with Felix.” I confessed to the camera. “And I know he felt it too.. It was always this adrenaline boost whenever we hung out in public, the need for each other no matter what. I think we both fit each other pretty well.” 

I looked at the camera and sighed deeply in thought. “I’m sorry for messing up, it got out of hand and I know I’ll do better now. I want JYP to be able to trust me.” 

Suddenly there was footsteps by the door which made me whip my head around but no one was there, creeped out I got up and walked to the doorway. There was a box which confused me even more because the cupcake was also placed in that exact spot, I walked out and looked down the hallways but no one was there. I furrowed my eyebrows as I took the box and went back to my chair, opening the box I was even more confused. 

There was a a jewelry box, a big yellow chick plushie with a small stray kids shirt, and a birthday card with money in it. Who got me this? I place the box down and I walked out the room and began to look at the rooms, I opened each door with no one in it. 

The last door I opened revealed Chan with a guilty look on his face. 

“Chan?” I questioned as I tilted my head. “Where you the one who got me that box? Why are you hiding?” 

“Me? Oh- Yes!” He chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. “It was your birthday of course, happy birthday!” 

I smiled brightly as he got up from the seat and hugged me tightly. 

“Thank you, Chris.” I pulled away. “I didn’t really expect anything from anyone.” 

“Oh! No need to thank me!” Chrirs chuckled even more nervously. “I was just doing what anyone else would’ve done for their friend.” 

“Right.” I nodded. “Can you come with me to the producing room?” 

“Sure!” Chan followed me back into the room.

I turn off the camera so that we could talk more freely and I had the box on my lap with the chick plushie which I also now adored. 

“Chan, I’m sorry about everything that I messed up.” I sighed. “I know we haven’t talked a lot after what happened and I know you trusted me to not do these mistakes.” 

Chan looked at me with a frown as he turned away and played with his fingers.

“Ahh… That.” He started. “I know that what you did wasn’t the smartest decision but it’s also not just your fault but also Felix’s fault you know? Don’t be placing the blame on just yourself, I trusted Felix too and I know that whatever happened with you guys must’ve been a really good influence on him.” 

“Huh? A good influence?” I snorted. 

“Yes, I understand that it did cause a scandal but I think you taught Felix a lot of things that I wasn’t able to. You taught him how to live and be a teenage boy again.” Chan smiled as he looked at me. “I know you both haven’t got on the best terms after the news but I know he still cares.”

“Still cares?” I scoffed as I tighten my grip on the plush. “He doesn’t care and he’s shown that he doesn’t. I don’t want to get my hopes up high but thinking he might care when his actions show otherwise.” 

“His actions huh?” Chan eyes my plushie before getting up. “Yeah, his actions do show a lot.” 

He left the room leaving me dumbfounded.

I know Chan is like brothers with Felix but come on now, Felix did a shitty move that still pisses me off. He hasn’t done anything to try to get me to forgive him, and he expects me to just forgive him like that? No, he should take his own advice and stay away from me for both of our sakes.

• • •

It was 11 at night and I was stuck with a laptop in my hand, PSY wanted to lend me a laptop so that I could still continue to make music even if I haven’t accepted to audition. He was a nice guy, I think I could enjoy him as a CEO.

But I still felt sad, that’s why I hugged the chick plushie even tighter. It was nice that Chan got me this, it was a really cute duck plushie. It even had a small stray kids shirt which was so adorable. I don’t have anything to cuddle with anymore so this plushie made me feel less lonely, as if someone is there for me even in my darkest times. 

Don’t tell me I’m going to start getting attached to this plush. 

Oh well.

Before I knew I began to cry again, the stress of all of this was so bad. Producing music and also training my vocals, rap, and dancing.. I want to go back home, I want to see if I like it better. 

I don’t know what I want anymore.

How do I go back home? 

I need to get back home.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

A/N: Hmm.. Getting attached to that stuffed animal? Kinda reminds me of a certain stuffed-
Let me shut up :)
You can interpret it as you wish & judging by Chan's words it may be obvious but Alaska can be oblivious sometimes.


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