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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 74
I know nothing will change,

The sun came up it's shine peered through my bedroom windows which made me wake up.

Hold on.

How was I back at my room?

Someone's in my bed!

I quickly turn over and see fluffy hair next to me but I couldn't catch their face since they're tucked in.

Oh my fucking god.

I don't remember anything from last night! All I remember was- I did not just seriously go up to TXT and- I had a field day with them.

I was brought back to the situation in front of me when an arm pulled me in closer and snuggled itself into my neck. Their hair was soft, soft lips, soft face, and small hands.

It couldn't be... How did he get here?

Did we sleep together? Why was I in a tank top and not my dress!

"You smell good." Felix spoke out with a deep morning voice that made my heart skip a beat.

"Felix, what happened last night?" I questioned as he opened his eyes and looked at me with a goofy smile.

"You kissed me." He smiled like an idiot and rested his cheek on his hand which was propped up to look at me.

"I- I what?" I blinked hysterically with a chuckle. "I kissed you? I don't remember-"

"Now if we were to follow the law, we were both drunk and maybe you were a bit more drunk than I was but... You basically took advtange of me." Felix smirked.

"I didn't mean to!" I panicked as I sat up with a frown. "I promise I didn't know what I was doing!"

"You know drunk actions are just sober thoughts." Felix said as he sat up and sat closer to me. "You want to be even?"

I nodded my head to him with concern, he probably hated the fact I kissed him without consent. I felt embarrassed, was I that desperate ad a drunk person?

"Okay." Felix placed his left hand on my cheek before leaning into my face and closing his eyes slowly, he placed a long sweet kiss on my lips before pulling away with lust in his eyes.

"I seriously- Why did you- We can't be doing this." I objected.

"We'll talk about this later, I have to go back to dorms really soon so the members won't find out I had to take you home and help you sleep last night." Felix giggled as he got up and put on his shirt.

Oh my god he wasn't even wearing a shirt, WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY?

"You need to tell me how last night ended." I begged.

"Later, get ready for the next award show tonight. Bye, princess." Felix blowing a kiss before leaving my room and rushing out the dorm.

What the fuck just happened.

• • •

The rest of the day was spent dancing in the dance practice room with my group and taking vocal lessons after.

It was finally time for the award show, it was the Asian Artist Awards so we were there to support Hyuna, Dawn and Jessi. Thankfully, we weren't performing I was exhausted!

We had to have good outfits because we walked the red carpet with the rest of the idols for some reason?

I was excited to see Felix though, he looked good in everything he was styled in.

"Alright everyone, we're here just remember to smile for the photos and follow Alaska who will be leading you all down the carpet and into the award show. You will sit with Hyuna, Dawn, Heize, Crush, and Jessi." Sua said as she turned to look at us.

I nodded at Sua word's before grabbing a blanket and holding it in front if me as I got out the car, there was many cameras flashing everywhere.

Once I made it out I held the blanket towards the entrance of the car door so that the members could safely get out without exposing themselves.

Walking onto the red carpet I posed with my group and noticed that Stray Kids were to my right.

I smiled as I looked at Felix, however I saw that somehow Nancy was right beside him. Why was she beside him? They broke up, they weren't supposed to be together. Everyone liked them, everyone cheered for them.

No one would accept me and Felix together, I felt even more insecure and felt my smile face at the sight.

And that's when it happened, Nancy placed her hands in his as she pulled him in for a kiss, it wasn't just a peck. It looked like a kiss filled with passion, thats what hurt the most.

I looked away as Felix's eyes stare at me with concern when they pulled away from the kiss. The audience was cheering so harshly for them and taking photos, I didn't know how to act in front of the cameras.

I felt like crying but I haven't cried in sometime, I knew I couldn't make a scene. But he knows I saw that, and to think I was going to tell him how I felt? Just for him to lie about them breaking up?

"Let's go girls." I led my group past the scene and into the venue, I couldn't let this affect me.

"Can't believe they're still a thing, it's been 5 years!" Nina choked out.

"Guys, let's focus on the award show." I cleared my throat before sitting down at our designated table.

The award show already started and many groups were performing, me being the hungry person I always was decided to go to the snack table which wasn't opened to the public only the idols.

I went alone to clear my thoughts, this is an award show... I shouldn't pay attention to Felix right now, what's important is my company and my coworkers.

"Alaska." I was stunned to see JYP standing by the snack table all alone, it was a lot more quieter in this section.

"Ah, hello." I said in Korean and bowed before taking snacks from the snack table.

"Let's talk." JYP stopped me from leaving and looked at me with a serious face. "Let's talk about what happened 5 years ago."


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