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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 24
Be In Love

"He got me.. Food and a heating pad." I smiled softly. "I'm going to kiss him if he keeps acting up."

I wrap up my old pants and place it in the bottom of my bag, I finally leave the bathroom and see Felix standing a few feet away from the bathroom on his phone.

"Hi." I looked down as I walked towards him.

"Hello, you don't look so happy." He places his hands on my cheeks and lifts my head up to look into his eyes. "Are you okay, bubby?"

"I'm just... I feel very lucky." I smile. "I feel very lucky to have you by my side, I don't think there could be anyone who can top you."

Felix's eyes widen at my words before smiling softly and hugging me. "You're so cute."

I think I understand why idols date in secret instead of waiting for dating bans to be lifted, It's the sudden need for affection. An empty part in your heart that needs to be filled by someone, you may have close friends but they can fill up other parts in your heart. A significant other is someone who will remain by your side for a long time, you text them every morning and every night.

I don't need a relationship to be happy at all, but Felix fills up my whole heart and I'm so happy that he was the one to come into my life.

"You should take a break today, Nina said Chan arrived so he'll be helping her get the choreography right." Felix pulled away.

"But I should make sure there's no mistakes-"

"You need to take a break, Chan has got this all under control and he wants you to take a day off." He interrupts me with a reassuring smile. "Let's go back to my dorm."

"Okay... Fine." I sighed as I walked down the stairs with him.

I was honestly so worn out with practice and even our "break days" weren't even break days because the anxiety of not keeping up and not working keeps me up at night. Its just a nonstop cycle at this point, I was glad that Felix cared enough to convince me to take a break.

And I hope Chan helps Nina a lot today especially because I'm not there to help her.

• • •

"Stop moving." I pushed Felix into his bed and wrap myself up with a blanket.

"I'm just trying to fix your heating pad." Felix places his hand on my stomach and tries to smooth the edges gently.

The touch of his hand on my stomach made butterflies erupt inside, I wasn't used to this type of contact.. Or was I...? Nope, ever since I danced with Felix that feeling still lingered in my mind.

"Alaska, are you okay?" He looks at me with a lustful look in his eyes.

"Y-yeah." I look away quickly and pull down my shirt. "Thank you for everything."

I lay down on the bed and Felix places his arm around my stomach while rubbing it gently.

"I know you can be emotional on these types of days, I just want to make sure you're comfortable." He whispers into my ear.

My heart, my poor heart can't take this I'm literally freaking out. My mind is literally a keyboard smash, I crave him a lot now. This should be illegal, Felix should be arrested for saying things like this. Never once did I think Felix would ever say things like this, I didn't even know the guy was this much of a romantic!

Well actually... He is really clingy with the members so I could definitely see it coming but it's so different for me.

"You're daydreaming again." Felix chuckles deeply by my ear.

Oh my, his voice is so attractive I think I know why Chan rants about Felix a lot now.

"Felix, you need to stop doing that." I managed to spit out.

"Stop doing what?" Felix questioned and hovered over me quickly.

"Jesus! Felix!" I look away and place my hands on my face.

"What? Are you being shy now?" Felix takes my hands off my face and stares me down. "No need to be shy, I won't bite."

"Oh really? With that voice of yours? You're doing it on purpose." I whine as I closed my eyes.

"Well.. Maybe that could be the case.." I feel a pair of lips latch onto my neck, Felix kissed my neck.

My eyes shot open at the contact which made my instincts quickly push him off.

Felix laughs at my reaction while I sit up with a red face, this was really embarrassing for me. HOW AM I GOING TO FACE HIM AFTER THIS?

"Felix!" I squealed.

"What?" Felix laughed as he held my hand.

"Don't do things like that! It's... I've never tried anything like that." I frown.

"So you don't like it?" Felix pouted. "I won't do it again."

"I didn't... I never said I didn't like it- You just gave me no warning!" I stammered.

"Oh." Felix got closer to me and placed his fingers on my chin. "So you want me to give you a warning beforehand from now on? Got it."

Felix was driving me crazy, my hormones were going all over the place! Is he taking advantage of my mood swings?

His face got closer to mines which only led me to believe he was going to kiss me so I closed my eyes.

But instead I felt a soft kiss being planted on my forehead.

I opened my eyes and see Felix laying back down on the bed and bringing me onto his chest.

"Felix, you are such a tease." I sighed.

"It's fun seeing you get all flustered." Felix chuckled. "I guess I won't do it again."

"Good." I snuggle up to his neck and wrap my arm around his stomach.

"No promises." He replied which earned a slap on his chest. "Ow!"

I giggled softly and enjoyed the rest of the night with him, I was glad to spend time with him today. I think he's the main person who can distract me from feeling overwhelmed.

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