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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 71
There's no such thing as fate,

"Its like, he doesn't hear a word I say.. His mind is somewhere far.. Away, and I dont know how to get there." The way my heart beat was pacing furiously as I was making my entrance on that huge stage for MAMAs with hundreds and if not thousands of fans cheering me on.

The light shining on me moved as I walked further out on the stage and then shined onto Felix who came out looking as handsome as ever.

"She's always tryna save the day, just wanna let my music play.. She's all or nothing, but my feelings never change." Felix looks at me with genuine emotion.

His eyes spoke a lot, it looked as if all the word he sang he meant it.

I felt like I cry in that moment, not because this was my dream and not because I was performing in front of a lot of people.

It was because of every emotion I felt with Felix, every memory I had with him came rushing back to me.

Our late night talks, us doing risky things and living life on the edge, when we ate ramen together, practicing singing and dancing together.

"Like fire and rain." I sang.

"You can drive me insane." Felix finished my lines as he stood in front of me.

"But I can't stay mad at you for anything." We both sang in harmony and this time, I meant the word I sang.

And I wanted him to know that, I felt every feeling I had for him come back. When I stared into his eyes all I could see was us when we were much younger, when we were doing reckless things and being kids.

I think I was in love with him.

And I don't know if I was too late.

The public still knows he's with Nancy and people are practically saying they'll get married, I can't be falling for him if he's still with her.

"And I wouldn't change a thing." We ended the song before going back to our positions and started our dance break, it was very hype and required a lot of energy thank god I didn't have to sing through it.

I felt Felix's arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me into his hold for our dance and continue to finish our dance break.

I think we did pretty well and I honestly wasn't expecting to ever perform with Felix.

This was kind of embarrassing but When I was a trainee I used to dream about performing with him someday, of course back then I did see him as a close friend and little did I know it would turn into something else.

"You did well." Felix took a long chug of water after he spoke.

"You did really good as well." I said back with a smile as I drank water as well.

We were backstage as my group went to perform with other groups like NCT and Astro.

"I had a question." Felix suddenly so at out as I opened my eyes and sat up from the chair.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I know it's risky to talk about in this location but you taught me its okay to be risky... With that being said.. And if you tell me no.. I won't ever bother you again." He started as he got closer to be and held my hand.

I felt a little nervous at his sudden claim, what was he going to ask me?

"I broke things off with Nancy a few days ago but Dispatch will get notified like a week from now.. You know I still have feelings for you, it never truly left and I know you still don't want to accept all the confusion and arguments we've had in the past. But I'm not afraid to be with you anymore, I want the public to know of course after we get the permission to do so... I want to let the world know you're mine.. I know JYP won't exactly like it but it's a start and I want to prove to you that what we had wasn't toxic." Felix confessed. "What we had was real and I want to start all over again, I want you to know that I'm mature and I won't ever make you feel that way again... But if you truly don't share the same feelings... You can't tell me no, and if that's the case I won't ever bring this up again."

Felix let's go of my hands before brushing his hair back with his hands and groaning.

"Alaska, I promise you that I would never make you feel invalidated or felt like I didn't listen to you ever again. I want to get to know who you are again, I want to hold your hands and I want to sleep in the same bed with you and hold you in my arms again. Let's go on those fun late night trips to get ramen, we could hang out with the members again.. I see you still have the birthday presents I gave you years back.. Remember the duck?" Felix said.

The duck? Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.

That present... It was him? It wasn't from Chan all along?

• • •

Suddenly there was footsteps by the door which made me whip my head around but no one was there, creeped out I got up and walked to the doorway. There was a box which confused me even more because the cupcake was also placed in that exact spot, I walked out and looked down the hallways but no one was there. I furrowed my eyebrows as I took the box and went back to my chair, opening the box I was even more confused. 

There was a a jewelry box, a big yellow chick plushie with a small stray kids shirt, and a birthday card with money in it. Who got me this? I place the box down and I walked out the room and began to look at the rooms, I opened each door with no one in it. 

• • •

"All this time.. It was you? You gifted me that—" My eyes widened in realization.

"You guys are up in 1." The stage crew told us which made us hurry up and get to our places.

Oh my fucking god.

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