Chapter 1

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------No One's Pov----

He likes to take pictures, he love the picture that he take on his camera. Taking some photograph, although, his life was hard for him to keep, of being dumped and no money. He live in a apartment that he always pay's on a week, get scolded..

"Oi!! Pay me! It's been weeks!!"

Another next day..

"I said pay me, right now! Or I'll throw your thing's out"

Every week or every day, he always pay, pay more bills. But it make him calm.. his face was expressionless. He take some picture's everywhere with his camera. The camera his using is "DSLR Camera" that he always use.

Unfortunately his parent's died at the past. He didn't have any happy past life, he almost had one, but his lover dumped him because his lover cheated on him with someone else.

The bluenette didn't have a good life, since his parent's only left him with his camera. He is very good at taking picture's, whenever he see a beautiful view, he alwas take's a picture.

Other's buy his beautiful picture's but other's don't. He knew it's the only way of making money to pay his rent to live his apartment.

He was just a student, he quit being a student because his money is not even enough ro pay it for his own school.

He has beautiful sky blue hair and has a crystal sky blue eye's like the sea. He has a low presence for everyone around him. Every where he go, it always startled them, but


While on the other side, he was called 'Emperor'. Richest men's that he always win without losing, but he knew that the world is not that perfect. Winning and also losing.

He is a CEO of the building, he owns many thing's in Japan. He is always being confident to himself. Every people on the building always greeted him very properly. They never disappoint him, ever. No one can.

Many woman's want's to be an Escort for him. He rejected it all because he has no pick for interest, it was wasting his time. Picking an Export just to have sex with him by doing it with him, to have some money.

And other's, they wanted to make him fall. But he was cold, always cold at everyone. No one can even disobey him. Men's want's to surpass him but no one could. Even how many money they are, they always lose to him.

His life was perfect, but he never enjoys it. For him, it's getting bored since he own's everything that he wants. He wanted to own something, but he couldn't find a perfect person since they are all the same for him.

The Emperor softly stand up. One assistant came, he has a quite light grayish hair and eye's. "Akashi Sama, the hotel is already arrange" He spoke. The Emperor stand up. "Good" he replied coldly.

He has an assistant name Mayuzumi Chichiro, and he was Akashi Seijuro.

They used the elevator down to the first floor. He goes to his car that his driver open the door for the Emperor, that the Emperor goes inside the car. They drove away.


The bluenette was walking down the street, looking the photograph's. He didn't smile, he was like a doll. Never show an emotions.

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