Chapter 6

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-----No One's Pov----

They fall asleep peacefully. It was comfortable for them. Soft wind pass them, the Emperor suddenly woke up when a small leaf fall softly at his nose. Akashi hummed softly and yawn. He look at the bluenette who was still sleeping beside him.

He look the bluenette was quite really peaceful. He smiled, but his phone rang, he answer's it. "Akashi Sama the meeting---" The Emperor  cut him off. "Move the meeting, after lunch" He command him. "Y-Yes, Akashi Sama" The Emperor hung up. He sigh and lean back.

Until the bluenette accidentaly slide down, that the bluenette soft lay his head at the Emperor's shoulder.  Akashi look at him. The bluenette was woking up. The Emperor asked "Had a good sleep???".

Kuroko softly nodded. "Yes" Kuroko softly look at his camera. Akashi look at him. He spoke.. "Let's go to the cafe, Tetsuya, My treat" Akashi softly smirk. Kuroko nodded softly, the bluenette stand up.

They walk out to the park. "It seems we don't need a car since the cafe is just infront of us" Akashi spoke. Kuroko just nodded to the Emperor. They walk across the street.

Kuroko was going to open the door, but Akashi open it for him. "You don't have to do that" Kuroko look at him, Akashi chuckle. They both go inside the cafe and sat at their table.

Akashi look at the bluenette's delicate finger's grabbing the Menu to buy. Kuroko ordered a hot chocolate vanilla, while Akashi ordered black coffee. "You like black coffee???" The bluenette asked him. "Yes" Akashi's only reply.

"About last Night, I was curious about your age, I am surprise that your too young to be an CEO, you seemed like 18 year's old" Kuroko spoke to the Emperor. The Emperor chuckle. "I am just 22 Year's old, what about you?" The Emperor asked back. "Your older than me, I am just 17.... year's.. old" Kuroko whisper.

"So young and yet you have such an experience" Akashi smirk. "That was my first time that I haven't done before" Kuroko sigh, their order arrive. The waiter put their order down. He spoke "Is that all you need??" Kuroko look up and nodded.

The waiter look at Kuroko one more time and spoke "You have seem low presence" The waiter chuckle, Akashi sip his coffee even Kuroko just nodded, but the waiter suddenly spoke "Aren't you two a quite nice couple?" that make Kuroko spit's the  hot chocolate vanilla a little.

"We are not a couple" Kuroko sigh. "I see, well I just thought since here in our city can date male to male" The waiter spoke once more. "Indeed it is" Akashi smirk.

The waiter walked away. Kuroko sigh, "Akashi Kun, I've been wondering you know that your quite good looking and has a high standard's why aren't you interested in any woman?? Your not that bad that it look's. Why are you rejecting them?" Kuroko asked a question.

"Such an interesting question that is, I don't have any interested in any woman that come near me, other woman's just want's money and me to become my wife or my fiancé but I don't have such thing interested in them. I have everything I want, but their's one I couldn't have, that I want that someone have. Unfotunately I couldn't have him yet, someone that exceed's my expectation and my exceed's my interest" Akashi smirk behind the mug of a hot coffee his holding.

"Who is that someone??" Kuroko asked him that making him more smirk wider. "That someone is infront of me, talking to me. What is your answer?" Akashi spoke with a wide smirk.

"I could not answer "Yes" or "No" that is quite difficult question you gave me Akashi kun, it seem's you have to wait for my answer. Even though, I am surprise that is someone is me, I am infront of you and yet I am surprise you point it on me, I can't say "Yes" or "No" so easily." Kuroko answered his question.

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