Chapter 9

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-----No One's Pov---

When Akashi heard that story from the bluenette, Akashi just look at the picture of the boy at the picture. Kuroko start's carrying the three book's. The Emperor softly hummed. "You asked me if I had an experience right?" Kuroko asked him, Akashi nodded softly.

"Yes, since your quite too young for such an experience, you did not have sex with him did you?" Akashi asked him back. "Yes, we never do that kind of thing, why would he do that to me?" Kuroko look at the Emperor. "He never.. kissed me like you did yesterday, he never hugged me like that woman" Kuroko added.

Akashi suddenly look at the bluenette, "The time you kissed me on a second or for the first time that someone kissed me like that, when you touch me at that Night, it was actually my first time experiencing that kind of touch. But Ogiwara Kun... never touch me like that, when I want his touch, I want that kiss from him the time I really love him, He never.. did such thing that to me, even.. I want to" Kuroko grip a little at the book's.

"That's why it came from you.. the touch that I wany from him and the kiss I want from him, it came from you.. I want him to touch me or kiss me like that, but I think.. that touch and that kiss that I want.. will never happen, since we are already apart and broken for eachother" Kuroko added.

The Emperor suddenly grab his wrist to pull the bluenette close. "Akashi Kun what are you---" Kuroko suddenly felt the Emperor lip's crashed his own lip's.

Kuroko's eye's widened that he couldn't believe. The book's fall down that Kuroko suddenly try to pushed him away. "W-Wait--" Kuroko was cut off.

"You want that kiss right? I can give it to you"

Akashi kissed him quite deeply that the Emperor's soft tounge goes into the bluenette's mouth.

Akashi fastly move that the bluenette was getting pinned at the wall, Kuroko's eye's was squeeze shut, the bluenette tried to push him but he was too strong.

Kuroko tried to fight back but he was defeated, the Emperor's grip was too strong. Their kissed grew more than he expected, Akashi couldn't stop himself too much.

The Emperor's soft tounge was touching his own. Akashi was quite rough for the bluenette, he carried the bluenette to the bluenette's room.

Akashi close the door, that the Emperor. He layed the bluenette who's been gripping at his shoulder.

He softly kissed the bluenette's neck, that his hand is going inside his shirt. "W-What are you doing? S-Stop--" The bluenette was cut off.

"You want his touch right? Then I will give you the touch  that you always wanted.. unfortunately it was not his touch anymore, but mine" Those word's make the bluenette froze that he can't look away at the Emperor's eye's. The Emperor softly caresses his cheek.

"I'll be gentle" He whisper to the bluenette's ear. The bluenette tried to push him but the Emperor's grip was too much for him. Akashi start taking off his shirt as he untied his tie.

Taking off his sleeve's that bluenette felt his hot breath on his neck. "A-Akashi Kun w-wait---" He was cut off, "I don't have time to wait Tetsuya" Akashi spoke.

He kissed the bluenette's lips that, his tounge touch the bluenette's. Kuroko tried to fight back, but he got defeated again that Akashi suddenly kissed him very deeply.

Kuroko pushed him by his chest so he can breath, Akashi kissed hus neck until chest that the bluenette softly moaned when Akashi kissed his collarbone, close to the bluenette's neck.

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