Chapter 30

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-------No One's Pov----

At that night, after two day's pass by. The two twin's was so busy taking care of the bluenette. Kuroko was getting dizzy, he was getting into a hot bath, being take care off. Fixing his dress.

Kuroko was quite getting dizzy out of it. Even the Servant's is busy to him. 'I never thought being a woman is really hard..' Kuroko sigh tiredly

They will go to Kyoto tonight. Kuroko sigh, "The shampoo!! The soap!!! The soap!!" The servant's brushed him, cleaned him. They put some rose petal's at the bathtub. Making the bluenette has a wonderful scent of roses.

While on the other side. Kise was ready, taking care of the Miracle's. Akash dress as his own. Akashi hummed at his formal clothes. The Emperor fixes his tie. He softly smirk.

"Hey Akashi, it seems that every servants is busy today!" Kagami shouted. "Yes Taiga, they are quite taking care of Tetsuya today" Akashi hummed and goes to the couch.

Every servant's blush of how handsome he is. He is Akashi Seijuro after all, showing those Crimson and Golden perfect eye's. The Emperor wear's a very dark crimson tuxedo and a black sleeve's inside. His necktie was black and has a gold design.

Akashi cross his leg's waiting for the bluenette. It was exact afternoon that their getting ready. Every Miracle's was so handsome.

They all smirk, "Hey Kise your tuxedo is quite Amazing, I'm like a prince here" Aomine complimented. "Dai chan what about me!" Moimoi pouted  She was wearing a every beautiful pink dress.

"Your really pretty Moimoicchi!!" Kise said in a cheerly voice. Moimoi blushed. "Where's Kuroko Nanodayo? Going to Tokyo will be a bit of a trouble" Midorima sigh and adjust his glasses.

"Shintarou, don't get too excited. Tetsuya is disguising as a woman. To be exact time. At exact dawn we will leave." Akashi spoke.

The car was getting ready. It was a white limousine car. The driver was ready. "I'm so excited of what will Tetsu Kun Look like!!!" Moimoi screamed. "Kurochin might be beautiful woman.." Murasakibara spoke.

"Yeah, I'll admit, when I saw Tetsu's red lipstick, I felt like he was a woman. His more beautiful than Satsuki" Aomine spoke, Moimoi smack his head. "Ow!! Damn you!" Aomine shouted

Moimoi pouted. "Hmp!! Tetsu Kun is better than you!!" Moimoi spoke and sat beside the Emperor. "Minechin always loses..." Murasakibara smirk softly, "Moimoichin always.. Win" Murasakibara chuckle.

"Shut your mouth Murasakibara!" Aomine and Murasakibara glared at eachother.

"Minechin is mean..." The lazy giant yawned. Kise's eye's sparkles. "He is!!! Right Kagamicchi!!!" Kise suddenly look at Kagami, "Yeah, his Ahomine alright" Kagami gave Aomine a playful smirk. "Bakagami!!!" Aomine shouted. "Idiot's are Idiot's am I correct Akashi?" Midorima look at the handsome Emperor.

"Indeed they are" Akashi smirk.

They spent some hour's, until it was exact dawn and Kuroko wasn't their yet. Akashi look at the time. "Where's Tetsuya?" Akashi asked. Kise scratches his head.

"Kurokocchi is still getting ready please be patient Akashicchi" Kise laugh. "But everyone, please be prepare when you saw Kurokocchi, oh how Gorgeous he is!!!" Kise daydream.

"Oh? Is Tetsuya getting ready?" Akashi look at Kise. "Please be patient Akashi, Tetsu is just fixing himself" Aomine yawned. "Kurochin might be really gorgeous... Kisechin is just making it all for him" The lazy giant spoke. Midorima adjust his glasses.

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