Chapter 38

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-----No One's Pov----

While at work, Kuroko was quite irritated. "Kurokocchi???" Kise called. "What is it Kise Kun?" He asked. "Well.. I notice thta your irritated today, is it because of Kiro Senpai??" He asked, Kuroko shake his head. "A long story short Kise kun." Kuroko sigh irritatedly because of last night.

"Why don't you go with us tonight? At the New Year's Festival!! It will be fun!!!" Kise said in a cheerful tone. "I don't know.. Kise Kun, I'll think about it." Kuroko rubbed his nape.

"I'll add Kiro Kun" Kuroko softly smile. "Yess-ssu!!! Akashicchi and the others will come as well!!!" Kise smiled happily. "Wait what?" Kuroko asked. 'Did I hear it wrong?' Kuroko blink few times.

"Will bring Akashicchi and---" Kuroko cut Kise off, "I change mind, I decline" Kuroko spoke.

"C'mon Kurokocchi!! Please!! Spend the night with us! You can bring Kiro Senpai!" Kise smiled happily. Kuroko rolled his eye's. He grabbed his camera. "Please Kurokocchii!! Just for tonight!!!" Kise pleaded.

"Akashi Kun is going so no.." Kuroko crossed his arms. 'That man.. last night.. his out of his mind doing that.' Kuroko sigh irritatedly. Kise pouted.

Kiro suddenly goes to them. "Hey guy's want to go in a Festival tonight!? Wearing our kimono's!!!" Kiro smiled brightly. "I decline" Kuroko decline their offer.

Kise and Kiro pout infront of him. Kuroko look at them in his blank face. "Fine, I'll think about it Kise Kun and Kiro Kun" Kuroko spoke and grabbed his bag. He was still irritated. He sigh tiredly.

Kuroko don't know if he will come or not. Since the Emperor was coming, he was thinking of what he could do. While he can see Kise and Kiro was dancing happily for tonight's New Year Festival. Kuroko sigh softly.


"Sei Chan!!! Are you excited tonight!!!" It was Tomiko, she smiled, hugging her beautiful pinkish kimono. "Of course." Akashi smirk.

"Maybe.. w-we could---" Akashi cut her off, "Ryouta and the other's are coming, Tetsuya as well, I'm quite happy that you agreed coming with me, Izumi" Akashi chuckle. She was stunned because she heard the bluenette's name again.

'Why.. Why does it always Him..?'

'I can see Tetsuya tonight since I talk to Ryouta.. to take him tonight..' Akashi smirk softly. Tomiko look at him smirking. 'He seemed happy..?' Tomiko smiled, 'Maybe it's my chance!!' She has a blush on her cheeks.

While on the apartment, Kuroko was fixing hus kimono. Kiro was very happy so he couldn't help but agreed to Kiro. Kuroko looked so many messages from Kiro. Kiro even tell him to wear his kimono. Kuroko will uses his father's Kimono.

Sky blue Kimono. It is really beautiful kimono. His father take care of it. His mother's old Kimono was on his cabinet, not taking it out since he was a male. If he was a female, he will wear his mother's beautiful kimono.

Kuroko will be get ready later. He texted Kiro to meet up at the Train Station. Kuroko sigh. He look at his wallet, it was not enough to buy something at the festival, 'I guess I'll just walk around or just buy some candy apple' Kuroko sigh.

That's the other reason why he decline. He has no money enough to play games. His only waiting in any festival.

His other reason is that the Emperor was coming.

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