Chapter 62

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------No One's Pov-----

It was breakfast time, "Where's Akachin and Kurochin??..." They all turned to the lazy giang who was already eating. "Ah! I saw them, I don't know where they going though" Kagami spoke, "You don't need to tell it" Kiro spoke.

Ayane was curious of what they are talking about. "What do you mean??" Moimoi asked, Murasakibara look at Aomine and Moimoi, he turned to Midorima who was quietly eating.

'Something.. definitely happen' The lazy giant thought. Aomine sigh irritatedly, 'Damn.. if Akashi knew that it was us who saw them, he'll probably torture me to death' Aomine thought. Moimoi look at Aomine.

Midorima can tell that they will go home soon enough, they will go home at dawn. In exact 6 Pm. Midorima look at the ticking clock, the Emperor and the bluenette wasn't showing yet.

They heard someone is walking, going inside the dining room. They saw the bluenette, the bluenette has a wet hair, he was now wearing a yukata.

"Eh?? Kurokocchi?? Where did you go? Your not even in the hot spring earlier at the morning" Kise asked. Kuroko felt that everybody was staring at him.

"I just----" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor interefere, "Tetsuya just had a fast bath at the hot spring, earlier at the morning" the Emperor smiled.

Kuroko nodded. "Besides, I already know what you are thinking, don't you think, you guy's need to share it?" The Emperor smile, a killing smile. They all sweatdrop.

"Are you two dating?? I mean, you two are always together" They all turned into stone when Kagami asked that, except the bluenette and the Emperor.

The Emperor just chuckle. "E-Eh! Your not mad at us!?" Ayane asked, Kiro look at the bluenette. "No, me and Tetsuya just to share it to you soon enough.

Mostly Ryouta, kept asking himself if we're dating" The Emperor smiled to Kise, Kise sweat's in bullet's, 'H-How d-d-did Akashicchi Knows!?!?' Kise thought.

"We admitted that me and Tetsuya, are actually seeing eachother on purpose. We admitted that we're dating for 3 Months now. We kept it a secret since Tetsuya is quite scared to knew it to other people." The Emperor explained.

"Wow 3 Month's? That's fast!" Aomine shouted. Ayane and Moimoi nodded. "Yes, we've been hiding all this month's. We planned to tell you" Akashi spoke.

"Then that mean's, we don't have to hide it anymore" Aakshi chuckle and sat at the floor. He grab the bluenette's wrist to sat at his lap.

"Kurochin and Akachin.. yeyyy! congratulations!..." The lazy giant cheered lazily. Kiro and Kagami jumped higher for excitement. Ayane and Moimoi chuckle, while Midorima adjust his glasses.

Kise and Aomine clap their hand's. "Yes-ssu!!! It's time. for a party!!!" Kise cheered. Aomine put 2 big alcohol in the table. "Drinking time!!!" Aomine cheered, everybody does. Somehow, Kuroko never drank alcohol before.

Akashi was drinking whiskey. "Kuroko? Why aren't you drinking???" Kagami asked, "He actually never drink alcohol's." Kiro answered Kagami's question.

"Ehhhh?? Kurokocchi it's not that bad to drink alcohol" Kise spoke while looking at the bluenette.

"Well.." Kuroko was going to talk until Akashi spoke, "Tetsuya already said that he can't drink. Don't force him of that he doesn't like." The Emperor spoke coldly. They all sweatdrop.

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