Chapter 19

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-------No One's Pov-----

Kuroko stand up from the bed, putting his clothe's. "Let's have a cup of coffee" Akashi smile, "I decline, I will be late for work" Kuroko fixes his sleeve.

Akashi watch how Kuroko dress infront of him, he smirk softly. "Do you have a scarf?" Kuroko asked. "Why??" Akashi asked back.

"I need to cover this hickey you made, it is not necessary but perhaps I need to hide it" Kuroko spoke blankly as ever.

"Why would you cover it?" Akashi asked again, "Well, I can't go out with a mark like this, Kiro Kun might think it will be a wrong way so--" Kuroko was cut off when Akashi get out of bed.

He continuely fixes his sleeve. "So? Let everyone know that you already belong to someone." Akashi smile warmly. "I decline, I don't belong to anyone" Kuroko spoke while Akashi sweatdrop, he always decline at every offer.

"Akashi Kun can I asked.." Kuroko whisper, 'I just need to asked him if it's okay.. he'll answer right away right?' Akashi  pull him close, "Yes.. You can" Akashi softly whisper.

"Akashi Kun, even though you have a reason, .. if your not using me, what if someone appear's? You'll change like the other's, Like  him right?" That question make Akashi stunned for a while.

"No, I never change like him. Your the only one I want, is that the reason you can't answer me?" Akashi asked. "Yes.." Kuroko whisper softly. He didn't hesitate to asked that question.

'Tetsuya is always been interesting as ever.. I never find him bored, his the only one with no fear's in the eye's. Has a very unique presence.. he always exceeds my expectation that time when I first met him' Akashi look at him.

He lift his chin, "Tetsuya, don't think that I will change it's just because someone appear more interesting.. You do know your the only one I want. He kissed the bluenette at his soft's lips. 'Akashi kun is always.. straight forward to me, he never hesitate's his answer..
Am I.. that really important to him?'

Kuroko open his eye's that he pull away. "I think we should go now, Akashi kun, I'll be late soon enough" Kuroko granned his bag that he put his camera inside his bag. Akashi softly smile, "Yes, I'll wait at you outside" Akashi walk out his room. Kuroko look at him walk away.

Kuroko touches his lip's.. 'That kiss.. is always been quite soft than him.. I am curious if Akashi Kun has an ex..' Kuroko goes out to the Emperor's room.


The Emperor was wearing so formal since he has a meeting with other CEO's in America. When Kuroko goes out, Akashi smile at the bluenette,  'Their's nothing worth to me but him' When their eye's met, "Let's go now, Tetsuya" Akashi spoke and he goes inside the car, even the bluenette.

The car drove off until they arrive to the big gate. Akashi drove off, he was going to drove Kuroko to his workplace.

"You seemed dress very well" Kuroko complimented the Emperor. "I have quite a meeting this early at the Morning" Akashi chuckle. Kuroko's eye's widened, "Then you don't have be so kind, I can use a taxi" Kuroko spoke.

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