Chapter 54

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------No One's Pov----

The time the bluenette said that, it was silence after that word's coming from the bluenette's lips. "Akashi Kun?" Kuroko called him, the Emperor look at him.

"Repeat.. it again Tetsuya" Akashi suddenly whisper to the bluenette's ear. Kuroko's eye's widened. "Repeat it again.. Tetsuya" The Emperor pull the bluenette too close to him.

"I.. I've fallen.. i-inlove with you.. Akashi Kun" Kuroko shutter at his words a little. The bluenette look at the Emperor.

The Emperor smirk, "So your only mine then? Tetsuya?" Akashi asked with a soft smirk on his face, Kuroko nodded. The Emperor caresses his cheek's.

"Tetsuya.." He called, making the bluenette look up. "Yes?" The bluenette looked up to him. The Emperor smirk more quite wider. He liked how the bluenette look only him, the Emperor kissed the bluenette's delicate lips.

The bluenette didn't hesitate anymore, he didn't try to push the Emperor, he didn't struggle at the Emperor's grip. Even though the Emperor's grip was too tight so he can't escape from the Emperor's arm's.

It was the bluenette's decision. The Emperor really liked it when the bluenette didn't hesitate to kiss back anymore. Akashi rubbed his thumb to the bluenette's lips.

'Such.. delicate Lips' Akashi kissed the bluenette's cheek's and neck. "Finally you belong to me.." The Emperor wrapped his arm's around the bluenette's waist.

"Akashi Kun, I think.. I think I have to go, I need to work now.. My break is----" Akashi cut the bluenette off, "Stay for quite a while, I'm too happy for now, don't leave yet" Akashi whisper.

Kuroko nodded, he knew that the Emperor was happy that he was glad about it. The bluenette softly smile. He hugged the Emperor back, the Emperor smirk that he felt the bluenette's hugged. He felt it so warm.

"Tetsuya, if you accept me.. Live With me" That word's make the bluenette froze. "W-What..?" The bluenette suddenly stop hugging the Emperor look at the Emperor fastly. "Live with you? I have an apartment Akashi Kun, I can't live with you" Kuroko spoke.

"Tetsuya, that apartment of yours is very old and yet your alone their. I can't agreed you being alone Tetsuya, you are now My Lover. You do know that you belong to me, just live with me, even you pay that old apartment of your's, you just do it again and again Tetsuya" Akashi explained. The bluenette look at him.

"I-I don't know.. about that, Yes, I accept you as my lover but I'm not sure if I can live with you, even that apartment is old, the apartment of mine is full of picture's that I captured Akashi Kun, I just can't abandoned it" The bluenette explained it to the Emperor.

"Then let's take the picture's and every book's to my Mansion. Even the thing's you wanted, I can give it Tetsuya." The Emperor caresses the bluenette's cheek.

"Live with me Tetsuya, I promise I can give you what you always want. I promise Tetsuya" Akashi hold the bluenette's hand and kissed it at the back of the bluenette's hand. Kuroko looked at him, the bluenette can see that the Emperor really want's him to live with the Emperor.

The bluenette think about it for a while. Kuroko look up to him, "Alright I can live with you, but their's a condition. I can still visit my apartment" Kuroko agreed with a condition.

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