Chapter 40

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------No One's Pov-----

Kuroko who was clenching at the Emperor's chest. Kuroko pushed him away slightly to pulled their kiss away, so he can breath. "Someone might see us.. so please stop this, Akashi kun" Kuroko whisper.

The Emperor softly smirk and caresses his cheek, "Then let them see it" Akashi said with a serious tone. Kuroko looked at him, 'His purely stubborn as a stone' Kuroko sweatdrop.

The bluenette sigh. Akashi wrapped his arm's around the bluenette's waist. "Do you want some candy apple? I can buy some for Tetsuya, what do you want? I can give it to you" Akashi snuggle himself into the bluenette's neck. "Nothing, I just want to go back.." Kuroko said in a soft tone.

While behind the tree, Moimoi grab Tomiko to run away. "Wait what about S-Sei Chan?!" She accidentaly shouted, that the bluenette and the Emperor look near at the forest.

"I think we need to go, everybody is looking at us" Kuroko was so soft spoken as always. "Indeed" Akashi smiled. They both go back, everybody wave. "Tetsu! Where have you two been!?" Aomine and the other's were so worried.

Moimoi has a red flush face when she saw that kiss, while Tomiko who was looking at the bluenette. 'Why.. why do you choose him? I've.. been here.. all along' Tomiko hugged her panda bear too tight.

Akashi secretly wrap's is one arm around the bluenette. Kuroko look at him. Akashi smirk, "Wait! That's the beautiful bracelet you got!!" Kise shouted cheerfully.

"Ah Thank you Kise Kun, Akashi kun buyed it for me, I already thank him" Kuroko softly smile, while Akashi has a smug face on his face.

He grab the bluenette's hand snd kissed the back of his hand, they all froze, exceot the bluenette. "Tetsuya already thank me" Akashi smirk.

Kuroko remove his hand fastly.. "I.. I need to go home now" Kuroko was going to walk away, "Ehhh?? Aren't you going stay a little more?" Kiro asked, everybody turned to him. Kiro hold his hand, "Why don't we stay?" Kiro smiled.

The Emperor pulled the bluenette close to him. Kiro grab the bluenette's arm. Midorima spoke, "Okay stop, if Kuroko whishes to go home, he will go home, I'll ride him home" Midorima walk away.

"Thank you Midorima kun" Kuroko shake his arm and walk beside Midorima. Akashi softly had a deadly gaze on Kiro. Kiro felt shivers down his spine. It was fear his getting. Murasakibara look at Kiro.. 'You felt it..? Didn't you..?' Murasakibara hummed.


At the car, Midorima opened his car and Kuroko goes inside. Midorima goes inside his car, he drove away.

He look at the bluenette, "It seemed you have more problems. Kiro, Ogiwara and Akashi, will you handle them off?" Midorima asked.

"I.. No, I can't" Kuroko sigh tiredly. "I see.. the only thing you need is to pick which one of them" Midorima said in a serious tone. "Pick?" Kuroko asked, Midorima nodded.

"Yes, if you pick one of them, they will stop fighting and they will stop arguing." Midorima sigh. "Aren't you getting tired?" Midorima asked the bluenette.

"A Little.." The bluenette said with a whisper. "A little?? Why? Is their someone that you wanted to choose from them?" Midorima asked again, "Choose from them? I don't know who will I choose, Kiro Kun is my best friend, I can't hurt him, Akashi kun is one of my closes friends.. while Ogiwara kun is my ex but want me back" Kuroko explained.

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