Chapter 48

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-------No One's Pov----

Aomine was driving so fastly, when they stop, he saw so many interviewers infront of the Emperor's building. Moimoi was worried at the bluenette, "Tetsu!" Aomine toss the bluenette a jacket and a cap.

"Cover yourself!" Aomine command him. Kuroko nodded, he carried his camera at his arm's. He was looking at the photo's earlier when soemone knocking.

Kuroko put Aomine's jacket and cap. Moimoi goes out of the car and Aomine. Many interviewers are taking picture's, asking question's and wanted to see the Emperor.

Kuroko felt worried for himself and the Emperor. Kuroko notice that Kiro was also their. "Kiro Kun----" Kuroko was cut off when Aomine grab his wrist.

"This way!!!" Aomine shouted, it was stuck at the middle of the interviewers. "Damn it, this shit's isn't letting us in!" Aomine whisper loudly.

Kuroko covered himself that Moimoi grabbed him and goes out of in the middle of the crowd's. Kiro was also their. Kuroko want's to see him.

By the time Moimoi saw Kise, "Kise Kun!!!" Moimoi shouted, "Kurokocchi!!! Moimoicchi!!!" Kise waved. "Kise Kun!" Kuroko called back and ran to Kise.

Moimoi followed, "Kise Kun we need to drag Tetsu Kun at the highest floor" Moimoi said in a serious tone.

"Yes-ssu!!! On It!!" Kise grabbed Kuroko's wrist. "W-Wait! What about Kiro Kun!?" Moimoi pushed him inside the elevator.

"Their's no time!" Moimoi saw Aomine running towards them at the elevator. "Tetsu! Satsuki! Kise!" Aomine goes in, that the elevator door closed.

Moimoi sigh in relief, "You idiot Dai Chan! You can't run that slow!!" Moimoi shouted. "Oh c'mon Satsuki! You do know how big I am!" Aomine had an irk mark. Kuroko suddenly asked them, the elevator is going up to the highest floor.

"What is going on? and Kise Kun, what are you talking about that me and Akashi kun are dating?" Kuroko turned to Kise. "W-Well... " Before Kise speak, the elevator opened at the highest floor at the building.

The elevator door opened, they are all going straight to the Emperor's office. They saw Midorima. "Midorima kun!?" Kuroko was quite surprise that Midorima is their as well.

They go inside, Murasakibara was also their. "Kurochin.. good evening" he was eating a bag of chips. Kuroko look at the Emperor, he take off his jacket and cap.

"Tetsuya----" Akashi was cut off, "What is going on Akashi kun? Why am I being chased by those interviewers even you, why are they thinking that we're dating!?" Kuroko suddenly asked.

The Emperor look at him, "Tetsuya, it wasn't me who was the one who started this." Akashi spoke in a honest tone.

Kuroko felt so fuzzy that he can't even know who started this. Kuroko hugged his camera tightly.

"Tetsuya.. look, I promise I'll change this up. I can clean this mess" Akashi patted the bluenette. He pulled the bluenette close to his chest.

"Are you sure you guy's aren't dating for real? I think you two are a couple though nanodayo" Midorima adjust his glasses.

"Maybe their having a secret relationship" They all turned to Kagami, he was sitting on the couch, spinning the ball at top of his index finger.

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