Chapter 45

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------No One's Pov-----

They suddenly opened the paper, their eye's widened. It was Mitsumi, she got the King. She cheered, "Alrighty!!!" she smirk and look at somebody. "Hmmm.. Let see.." Mitsumi was picking some person.

She pick Kiro and Ayane, "I always see Ayane is looking at Kiro so.. I pick them" She smirk. "Don't fuck okay?" Mitsumi smack Rikoto. "Ow!" Rikoto sigh. Ayane blushed.

They started in five minute's at the tent, after it was five minutes, the bluenette's eye's widened. Ayane was quite out of the mood after inside the tent.

"Ayane san did something----" Ayane just sat and hugged her knee's. The Emperor hummed softly, Rikoto and Aiko pleayed card's inside, many of them are having fun. While it was the bluenette's turn.

"Oh wow Kuroko! Your the king!" Shizuki cheered. Kiro and the Emperor look at him. "Who would you dare!?" they smiled happily.

While the Emperor hummed softly, "Akashi Kun and Riko Kun at the Tent" He said in a serious tone. Kiro and Akashi look at eachother. 'I hope this goes well' Kuroko thought to himself.

The Emperor smiled, "Okay then, I'll agreed" the Emperor stand up. "Habishi let's go" He said in a very cold tone. Kiro sigh annoyingly and goes to the Tent. They close the tent, Hiroshi start's the time in five minute's.


Inside the Tent.

"I'm surprise that Kuroko chose us even we fought many time's." Kiro crossed his arm's. The Emperor look at him, "I'm surprise as well, Tetsuya sometimes is a stubborn one." Akashi chuckle.

Kiro suddenly grab his coat and clenched his fist, "If this is a dare, tell me something, what do you like about him?" Kiro clenched at the Emperor's coat.

"Habishi, why would I say it infront of you? Your not Tetsuya, Habishi don't be stubborn, you do know that I'm quite out of the mood talking to you. I can have him whatever I want to. You can't stop me from doing that" Akashi said in an honest tone.

Kiro look at him. Akashi hummed softly, "Do you think Tetsuya is a fool? Perhaps you want him as well. Especially when your going to move for him" Akashi spoken so cold.

Kiro want's to punch the Emperor so badly. Kiro was going to punch him so close, he froze. Those eye's of the Emperor turning into heterochromatic. Akashi slap his hand away.

It has only 1 Minute left. Kuroko and the other's outside are silent. While Hiroshi, Mitsumi and Shizuki is leaning to hear their conversation.

'I wonder how are they doing' Kuroko sigh worriedly for the both of them. When the clock start's to rang very loudly. "Time's Up!!!" Rikoto shouted.

The Emperor and Kiro goes out of the Tent. Kuroko look at Kiro, his eye's widened when Kiro want's to hurt someone and yet fear is taking over.

Those emotions are in mixed, Kuroko suddenly stand up, "Kiro Kun? Are you alright?" He asked. "I'm fine Kuroko" Kiro smiled. Kuroko was curious, he can see through it. While the Emperor who sat at the rock beside the bluenette.

"Okay!!! Let's start!!!" They fold the paper's into Four. They put it into a jar. Shizuki shake the jar. After that, they take the paper's. They opened it, "Mine is a number" Ayane said with a sigh.

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