Chapter 3

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-------No One's Pov----

It was until 2 days later, Kuroko was quite surprise that it was already paid.  "A-Already paid?" Kuroko ask, the lady nodded happily. "Yes, already paid" she smile. "You are paid in a 5 months" His eye's widened. "5.. month's?.." he was surprise.

He was curious of who help him.


At work.. Mayuzumi was quite busy giving Akashi some files, but suddenly someone called him. The Emperor look at him. "I-I'm sorry Akashi Sama, but I'll excuse myself" he walk away, but he didn't know the phone was quite loud.

He answer's it.. "Mayuzumi Kun? Mayuzumi Kun?" Akashi suddenly look at Mayuzumi. "I-I'm sorry Kuroko but I have a j-job" he shutter. Akashi softly smirk and look at his phone. "Can I meet you in a cafe this afternoon?" He asked.

"I.. uhh--" he was cut off. "Yes, you can, Chichiro, since your quite done, you can go." He command him. "Y-Yes Akashi sama! Thank you Akashi Sama" he thank Akashi. But Akashi has a reason why. He was the one who paid the bluenette's apartment.

Mayuzumi was quite surprise that the Emperor is letting him. Mayuzumi fastly goes out to the Emperor's office. He call someone on his phone.. "Watch Chichiro" He command and hang up.

One black car, suddenly follows Mayuzumi on the taxi. "Yes, Akashi Sama" he replied and follow's on.

While Mayuzumi goes down at the taxi when he arrive at the cafe. He sigh and look at the time. Even it's not afternoon. He called Kuroko.. "Kuroko, I am here at the cafe, please come this early" Mayuzumi spoke. Kuroko answer "Yes, Okay then" he replied, Kuroko hung up.

Mayuzumi goes inside the cafe, he saw Kuroko was walking towards the cafe. He sat at his table. Kuroko goes inside the cafe and look at Mayuzumi, Kuroko sat the table of where Mayuzumi sat.

"Kuroko why did you call me?" He ask, but Kuroko order a milk mocha. While Mayuzumi ordered a coffee. "I just call you, because I need to thank you for paying my apartmemt" Kuroko look at him.

His eye's widened at the bluenette. "Thank.. me??" He ask him. Kuroko nodded. "It... it was not me who paid.." Mayuzumi whisper that make Kuroko stunned. "Not you???" He ask making Mayuzumi nodded.

"Yes.. it was not me" he replied at the bluenette. "It was actually.. A.. ---" he was cut off. "Who paid for me?.. Who paid my apartment?.. " Kuroko ask more question, that Mayuzumi can't lie to his friend infront of him.

"Akashi Sama--- I mean Akashi Seijuro" he told the truth but Kuroko tilt his head. "Who's Akashi Seijuro???" He ask, their coffee arrive and put it at their table. "I uhh.. m-my friend.." Mayuzumi lied and scratches his head.

"Your.. friend??? Then I need to thank your friend, I need to thank Akashi Kun then" Kuroko sip his milk. "N-No need, maybe I can--" Mayuzumi was cut off. "Is it bad to see him?" He tilt his head.

"Well.. uhh.. no-- oh look at the time, it seems I have to go" Mayuzumi smile and drink his coffee fastly and cough. Kuroko was confused at his sudden action, Mayuzumi wave and fastly goes inside the taxi.

Kuroko sigh and look at the hot milk at his mug, he takes a picture with his camera. He softly drink's it.

Then he notice someone is watching them, but the black car drove away.


Mayuzumi suddenly get's back to the Emperor's office. "I thought you have a meeting with your friend this afternoon" Akashi asked Mayuzumi. Mayuzumi rubbed his nape.. "We are finish Akashi Sama" Mayuzumi sigh.

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