Chapter 14

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----No One's Pov----

Kuroko was running at the street, he look at every adress. It was going to rain soon enough. He run and run to search every adress, until he sigh. 'Where is his house?' Kuroko thought to himself, but he stop when he saw a very big gate.

He look inside, it was path. Kuroko saw an address. It was the same address. Kuroko doesn't know how to get in. He look at his phone, their was a number of Akashi when he got contacted by him. 'Should I call?' Kuroko thought to himself.

Kuroko called him, the phone was ringing. "This is Akashi Seijuro speaking" Kuroko sigh. "I can't find your address, where is your address, I am infront of the gate that it has the same address you gave me, it is going to rain soon, I can just leave the book here---" Kuroko was cut off when he heard a chuckle at his phone.

"I see, I'm sorry about that Tetsuya, you can come in" he hung up. "Wait a moment how can I---" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor hung up. He heard the small gate open.

He saw a CCTV at the gate. When he goes inside the gate close on it's own. He walk to the path. It was dark but so many beautiful lamp's got turn on. His eye's widened.

When he saw a very huge Mansion. 'W-What is t-this.. i-is this h-his actual house?.. It doesn't look like house to me' Kuroko sigh.

The door open, "Uhm.. I came here for--" Kuroko was cut off when the maid and butler's grab his bag and heavy thing's.  "I can--" Kuroko was cut off again when the butler's push him inside.

His was speechless when he came inside, inside was quite pure gold everywhere. A huge stair infront of him. Kuroko sweatdrop, he was just going to give the book back. "Tetsuya, good evening" Kuroko fastly look up, he saw the Emperor going down at the stairs.

"Oh  the book that I borrow is---" Kuroko was cut off. "Did you eat dinner? It's going to be late soon, I know your just finish from your job, eat some dinner first" Akashi smile. They ate some dinner, Kuroko was quite amaze at Akashi's huge mansion.

They ate some dinner. "You.. you live alone with many maid's and butler's..?" Kuroko asked. "Yes, I live here, I have a mansion in Kyoto as well. But I never go their too much since his is quite busy lately for many file's and paper to sign" Akashi explain.

"I see.. The book---" Kuroko was cut off when the maid give him his bag. "Your maid's is like a robot's.." Kuroko sweatdrop. "They know how use their behave action's." Akashi spoke and sip his coffee. Kuroko open his bag and gave him the book.

"I really like this book, thank you for letting me borrow" Kuroko spoke, thanking the Emperor. "Your Most Welcome" Akashi take the book. "It seems I need to go now" Kuroko bowed. "Are you sure?" Akashi stand up. Kuroko nodded.

But at the time when the the door open, Kuroko sweatdrop that it start's raining hard. "How can I.. go home.." Kuroko sigh. "You can stay here just for one night" Akashi cross his arm's.

"Stay here? are you sure I can stay here?" Kuroko asked him blankly. "Yes." Akashi smile, Akashi ordered the butler's of his. "Bring him into a nice guest room".

They grab his bag and Kuroko follow them. He look at the Emperor who was holding the book and start's to walk away.

When he was now at the guest room, it was a really big nice room. He was on the third floor, he look at the window. It was raining at the time. His phone rang, he answer's it. "Hello??" Kuroko spoke. "Kuroko! Did you got home???" it was Kiro.

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