Chapter 26

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-----No One's Pov----

Kuroko look at them both. He was surprise that the Emperor is here. "Akashi.. Kun, what are you doing here..?" Kuroko asked him softly.

"W-Wait.. Kuroko we aren't finish talking yet" Ogiwara tried to hold the bluenette. But Akashi was standing infront.

"Ogiwara.. Shigehiro, isn't it?" Akashi hummed coldly. "I'm quite surprise of how you borrowed him without any permission of mine" Kuroko's eye's widened that he look at the Emperor. "Kuroko s-said your just friend's!" Ogiwara tried to make himself calm.

"We are just friend's, I have no choice but to visit him at night. Yesterday, I asked Tetsuya where he was, he was at the bar.  I was worried that something might happen to him" Akashi smile that make the bluenette froze. Kuroko fastly look at him.

"Worried? I can take care of him.. I told him to--" he tried to grab the bluenette, the Emperor catches his wrist.

"I see.. I prefer you to leave" Akashi asked a very cold tone as ever. Kuroko look at them, if he was a woman, he already slap the both of them to stop arguing.

But he was a male that he suddenly pushed the both of them. "Please do not fight here, fight somewhere else" Kuroko spoke.

Akashi let go of his wrist, Ogiwara clenched his fist. "I'm your best friend! Kuroko just let me talk---" Ogiwara was cut off by the bluenette.

"Please leave.. You didn't told me to talk to you a little bit longer.. you just walk me home.." Kuroko said as blankly as ever, with an expressionless face. Akashi hummed, Ogiwara just goes out to his apartment.

"Akashi Kun, you still did something wrong, talking to him like that, you know that this is my apartment, not a battle area." Kuroko goes to his room and closed his door.

Akashi walk infront of the door, "Can I come in? I'm sorry, I just lose my hot temper a little" Akashi spoke.

Kuroko just rolled his eye's and layed to his bed. He cover himself with blanket. Akashi opened the door softly, he sat at the edge of the bed. "Tetsuya" he called but the bluenette didn't listen, Akashi chuckle softly. Kuroko just turned around, not facing him.

"Tetsuya.. I'm sorry" Akashi apologizes. Although, Kuroko ignored the Emperor, Akashi leaned to his ear, "I said.. I'm sorry" Akashi whisper.

'His stubborn isn't he?' Akashi thought to himself, he let himself chuckle a little. He can see that the bluenette was ignoring him.

Kuroko froze when Akashi layed beside him, he pretended to be asleep, Akashi hummed softly. He suddenly hugged the bluenette.

"I'm still upset of how you budge into my apartment.." Kuroko whisper. "Without my permission, this isn't your's... Akashi Kun, please keep that in mind" Kuroko spoke.

Akashi just hugged him quite tight, "I'm sorry, I won't do that anymore.. I just budge in when I see you with him, at your ex" Akashi whisper with a warm tone.

"Akashi Kun, I just meet up with him, nothing more, why are you so desperate coming here? Is it because of that?" Kuroko asked suddenly.

"Yes" Akashi whisper, "What.. do you mean..? Why are you so desperate.. to come and see me.. when you saw me with someone else..? What do you mean.."Yes"?? "Kuroko asked again, Akashi whisper that make the bluenette stunned.

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