Chapter 23

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-----No One's Pov----

"What are you to me..?" Akashi suddenly, kissed the bluenette, that the bluenette suddenly lost his balance and fall on the Emperor's bed.

Kuroko's eye's widened, "You already know what you are to me.. Tetsuya, if your thinking that you are a play "thing" and something more, stop thinkig about it." Akashi spoke.

"You do know where you belong" Akashi softly smirk. Akashi was very desperate about this lovely bluenette. Now Kuroko think about it..

"Tetsu, why don't you smile? Akashi might liked it?"

He remember's Aomine's word's. 'Should I smile in this situation..? Will.. he liked it?' Kuroko thought deeply. Their position is quite making him not to smile. How can he smile in this situation? Kuroko just look at the Emperor. Akashi caresses his cheek. 'I just need to smile..' Kuroko thought to himself.

Akashi hummed softly, he wonder's of what is the bluenette thinking. He was going to spoke but he was cut off "Should.. I take that as a compliment? I well really thank you for my.. friend? Since you protected me from my manager and payed my apartment, that's why I am a little glad that I met you for helping me many time's" Kuroko explained, the Emperor look at him.

The Emperor's eye's widened softly of how Kuroko smile at him, it was silence. It was so warm, a smile with a soft blush at the bluenette's cheek's. It was a bright smile that Kuroko was giving him. Akashi's heart skip a beat, looking at his smile.

Kuroko's smile fade away softly, 'Did.. he not like it..? D-Did I say something wrong---' Kuroko's deep thought's was cut off with a sudden deep kissed.

He can't move. Akashi swiftly pulled away that he continuely kissed the bluenette, their tounge swiftly touch. Kuroko tried to fight the Emperor's tounge but it was defeated.

Akashi pulled away, letting the bluenette to breath. 'Why is he doing this..?' Akashi kissed the bluenette's neck. "Smile for me again.. show me that smile, I really liked that smile of yours" He kissed the bluenette's neck. Akashi out his hand under the bluenette's shirt. Kuroko felt his hand underneath his shirt.

'Why am I letting him..? Is this.. what Hikari san felt of being touch..?'

Kuroko's eye's widened when the Emperor was lifting his shirt. "W-Wait, w-what.. are you doing?" Kuroko suddenly sat up but suddenly got lay down by the Emperor.

The Emperor softly chuckle.. "Don't be a scared now" Akashi caresses his cheek that he suddenly kissed the bluenette.

Akashi swiftly take off the bluenette's shirt. Akashi start's unbottoning his sleeve. Kuroko look at him, 'It's hard to admit.. but.. I really admit that Akashi kun is really taking his body so well.. it's quite perfect.. though for a man like him,  I admit that women's always follow him around if his on a market or a mall though.. ..' Kuroko thought to himself, Akashi sat the bluenette at his lap. "You're quite staring" Akashi chuckle.

"I am not" Kuroko replied fastly. Akashi smirk softly, he kissed the bluenette. "Is their something wrong Tetsuya?" he asked. "It's nothing" Kuroko sigh softly, "I'm just jealous of her.. her skin is perfect.. her face is really beautiful, she stole my best friend in a blink of an eye.." Kuroko whisper.

"Tetsuya, she may be perfect outside but inside her personalities isn't something you can progress, her personalities, it disgust me. Even your a male, you still different than other's, don't judge yourself for not being pretty enough just to get what you want. I'm quite absolute to myself but this I know that this world..
Is full of many lies"

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