Chapter 39

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-----No One's Pov----

The Emperor was still looking at the bluenette's hand, he was going to hold it. Until Kuroko stop and look back at the Emperor, "Akashi Kun?" Kuroko asked, he took a bite of his candy apple.

"It's nothing Tetsuya" Akashi smiled. Kise and Tomiko's eye's sparkles. "Look! Games!" Kise shouted, Moimoi's eye's sparkles. "Dai Chan! Faster!" Moimoi grabbed Aomine.

Kagami sat and even Aomine, they start eating all the steak. "I'll win Bakagami!!!!" Aomine shouted. "I'll win! Ahomine!!" They compete eachother. "Go Dai Chan! Go Kagami Kun!!" Moimoi cheered.

Murasakibara who was already buyed more food. "Yeyyyy~.. I wish its always Festival~.." Murasakibara smiled, thinking about food's. While Midorima who was buying his lucky item.

Everyone was happy, Tomiko hummed softly. "Hey Look!!! Look!!!" Everyone turn to Tomiko who was picking so many bracelets and necklace. "Wow! So pretty-ssu!!" Kise cheered.

Kuroko hummed softly. He froze when he saw something more beautiful. Akashi smiled at them. "Kurokocchi! Do you want---" Kise was cut off even all of them, they all look at the bluenette.

The bluenette hold his chest, looking at the bracelets. Those ocean eye's of his. Reflecting the bracelet. "Let's go now" Kuroko walk. "Are you sure you don't want to buy that?" Kagami asked. "Yes, I just looked at it" Kuroko smile.

"Okay then" Kagami who scratches his head. Akashi hummed and didn't go with them, he look at the bracelet that the bluenette want's.

He hummed, he admit that it was really pretty, the bracelet was the color of the sky. With a golden design. "Young man? Do you want to buy something?" the old man asked.

The Emperor look at the bracelet. "Yes, I want to buy that" Akashi smiled. "I see, this is quite beautiful! Young man! You can give to someone you want to give! Your lucky, you might be have a lover?" The old man chuckle. "Not yet, almost had it. Since I will not give up until I have him" Akashi chuckle.

"I see! Here! Have it!" the old man smiled, Akashi payed him. He put the bracelet on his pocket.

The old man bowed, Akashi walk away. Tomiko was curious of what did he buy. "Let's go now, Izumi" Akashi spoke and walk beside to the Miracle's.

Tomiko nodded fastly. She look at the beautiful bracelet at his pocket, she softly blush, 'Will Sei Chan give it to me??' she thought with a smile.

Akashi was smirking and excitedly want to give the bracelet to the lovely bluenette. Aomine and Kuroko was talking. "Hey Tetsu!! Look!" Moimoi was playing, she needs to shoot the teddy bear.

She shoot one teddy bear but it didn't fall. "Hey! this is cheating!" Moimoi was irritated.

The man laugh, when Midorima grab the gun. He shot 4 or 3 Times that the big teddy bear fall. He adjust his glasses. "Thank you!!" Moimoi cheered. The man was in shock. He can't even move at his place.

"Midorima Kun! You can be a boyfriend material!!" Moimoi's eye's sparkle. "Not interested" Midorima had an irk mark.

"Tetsu Kun! Wanna try!?" Moimoi asked. "No, I'm not good at---" Kuroko was cut off when Moimoi pushed him and gave him the gun. "I'm not that good Moimoi San" Kuroko spoke.

"Atleast try!!" Kise and Moimoi said cheerfully. "Go Tetsu!" Aomine cheered as well. Kuroko made a shot and yet the monster teddy bear, didn't even budge. Kuroko sweatdrop.

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