Chapter 44

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--------No One's Pov-------

They take off their clothes. Akashi look at the bluenette. But before he look down, Kuroko grab the blanket. "Can you please stop looking, you've been staring" the bluenette said in a blank tone. Akashi chuckle, Kuroko admitted that they are both naked. Kuroko felt cold, still cold.

He grab the bluenette, "What are you----" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor leaned in the wall, sitting on the floor while the bluenette was leaning on him, the blankly was wrapped around them.

Kuroko felt warm when he felt the Emperor's body is touching his back, he even felt his arm's around him. "Tetsuya you need to lean on me" Akashi smile, Kuroko look at him.

Kuroko has no choice but to lean at his chest. He felt warm now, the blanket is all around them. It was silence, their clothes was very wet even their bag.

Very silence, while the Emperor felt so warm, holding the bluenette into him. "Tetsuya.." He whisper, leaning the bluenette's neck. 'Such a fragrance sent..' The Emperor hummed. Kuroko look at the Emperor.

"What is it??" Kuroko asked him. Kuroko felt the Emperor's arm's hugging him too tight. "Akashi kun, can you please-----" Kuroko was cut off, the Emperor look at the bluenette's phone was ringing.

Kuroko opened his phone, 'It's Kiro kun..' Kuroko answered it, the bluenette answered, "Kiro Kun are you----" Kuroko was cut off with a shout, even the Emperor is quite annoyed.

'He called in this type of time, just to check Tetsuya is it?' Akashi hummed but Kuroko covered his mouth. "Are you okay their!!?!? Where are you!?" Kiro shouted so worried.

"I'm fine" Kuroko assured that his fine, he stop covering his mouth. He can hear that Kiro sigh in relief, "I see, I'm glad." he heard Kiro chuckle on the phone.

"Good night, Kiro kun" Kuroko spoke. "Yeah, Good night" Kiro hung up.

"You didn't tell thatI was here with you?" Akashi asked. "Yes, you two will fight again. I hate it when someone is fighting just infront of me." Kuroko sigh.

"I see" Akashi chuckle. The rain still hasn't stop. The light bulb got turn off, good thing their some candles. Kuroko sigh softly.

"Tetsuya" the Emperor called the bluenette, making the bluenette turned to him. "Yes?" the bluenette hummed softly and curious about the Emperor's going to asked.

"Do you still like my hair?" That question make the bluenette froze. The bluenette patted his head, he rubbed the Emperor's hair swiftly.

Akashi felt the bluenette's soft finger's going through his hair, he felt it really good whenever the bluenette touches him. Kuroko answered his question that the Emperor's eye's widened softly.

"Yes, I still like them, their really beautiful don't you think?" Kuroko softly smile.

That smile his been waiting for, Akashi hold his wrist and the bluenette's hand. "Akashi Kun?" Kuroko's smile fade away and look at him.

"Do you love my hair that much?" The Emperor was very serious, asking the bluenette so straightly, Kuroko felt his palm on his right cheek. The Emperor rubbed his thumb softly.

"Yes.." Kuroko's only whisper that was enough to hear by the Emperor. The Emperor look at him.

"I see" The Emperor look at the bluenette's delicate soft plump lip's. "If you like mine that much, you can touch whenever you want it" Akashi softly smile leaning to the bluenette. "W-Well.. I-I.." Kuroko look how close they are.

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