Chapter 16

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-----No One's Pov----

Those word's came out at the Emperor's lips. Kuroko look at him, he look how Akashi hugged him so tight. 'He wasn't joking when the first time I saw him.. those eye's of anger and jealousy..' Kuroko thought to himself.

'Jealousy isn't easy to be predicted.. Akashi Kun.. is quite one of them, he is different and yet.. a person who always want something that he can't have..' Kuroko added at his thought's.

The Emperor softly caresses his cheek's. "I didn't like it.. Tetsuya" He whisper.

'I didn't like how he touch you like that.. even these word's isn't a joke, I forbidden you.. to let him hugged you like that, that's why from the start..
I want you very much..
I want you to love me..
And your too afraid.. because of him, because of that boy who broke you..

That's why I'm here.. I just want you to love me to fulfill my desire by you..
From the beginning, I want you to be mine even how long as it take's.. to make you fall inlove with me.. '

Akashi kissed the side of the bluenette's neck. Kuroko look at him, that he softly push his hand away. "Akashi Kun.. Kiro kun was just afraid.. maybe that's why he hugged me.. their's nothing else but a hugged.." Kuroko explained that he softly goes down to the table. He look at the Emperor. "His my bestfriend" Kuroko added.

Kuroko was going to walk away, but the Emperor suddenly hugged him tightly. "Tetsuya..." He leaned the bluenette's ear that he whisper something very quietly


Which make Kuroko's eye's widened in a shock of what he hear's. Akashi kissed his forehead, "You don't know.. do you? Tetsuya" Akashi caresses his cheek. Kuroko softly shake his head.. "N-No.." He whisper. Akashi rubbed the bluenette's lip's with his thumb.

"Now you know.. let's sleep now" Akashi spoke. "W-What? your going to sleep here?" Kuroko suddenly look at him. "Yes, I am" Akashi chuckle.

"Fine then, I'll sleep at the couch, you can sleep at my room" Kuroko rubbed his neck. "No, we are going to sleep together" Akashi softly smirk.

"I decline" Kuroko said in honest tone, declining the Emperor. Akashi pull him closer, "I won't bite" Akashi softly smirk.

And it ended up sleeping together. Kuroko didn't put some pillow's at the middle since Akashi stop him. It was silence, "You do know I have another couch, maybe I can----" Kuroko was cut off when Akashi caresses his cheek. "You don't need to change your mind since your already here" Akashi smile.

The night that Kuroko fell asleep, the Emperor didn't fall asleep. He sigh and he wasn't asleep yet. Akashi turn around and look at the sleeping bluenette. He was so peaceful to watch. Akashi softly look at the bluenette's lips.

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