Chapter 67

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------No One's Pov-----

The next day, Kuroko was still sleeping at the Emperor's bed. The Emperor start's to kiss the bluenette's cheek's. Kuroko yawned a little, Akashi smiled.

"Wake up now, My Dear. My lovely Tetsuya, wake up" Akashi whisper. Kuroko sat up, that he stretched his arm's. The Emperor chuckle. "You seemed in a good mood today" Kuroko said in a curious tone.

The Emperor smirk, "Am I? I have a surprise for you tonight" Akashi caresses his cheek. "What surprise??" Kuroko asked more.

Akashi goes out of bed and carried the bluenette in bridal, walking to the bathroom. "Did I told you that it's a "surprise" my lovely Dear, I can't tell you yet." Akashi chuckle.

He opened the shower, Akashi start's unbuttoning the bluenette's shirt. Akashi layed the bluenette at the bathtub, "You do know I can shower myself" Kuroko sigh.

When the Emperor too of his clothes, and had a bath with the bluenette. They are on the the bathtub. Kuroko was leaning at his chest.

Kuroko felt warm when his in the Emperor's arm's. Akashi kissed the bluenette's shoulder. He slide his lip's slowly to the bluenette's neck. Kuroko swiftly shiver. Akashi chuckle.

They stayed their for a minutes, the Emperor stand up and grab a towel on his waist. He goes outside, Kuroko look at him, 'He seems in a very good mood today' Kuroko thought.

Kuroko look at the clothes, 'Is he always like this? Not putting his clothes at the laundry?' Kuroko sigh irritatedly.

He stand up in the bathtub, he opens the cabinet, he was surprise that the towel's is a mess. 'Is he human or what?? He can't even clean because he had thousand or million's of servants' Kuroko sigh more often.

Kuroko grab a towel, when he open the door, Akashi throw the sleeve's on his face. "Wear this" Akashi spoke in a serious tone.

"Don't you have any pa----" Kuroko was cut off, "Wear it" Akashi cut the bluenette off without knowing what will the bluenette say.

Kuroko sigh and put the Emperor's black sleeve. Kuroko admit that it was quite big, it doesn't fit him.

It was only at his thigh's. Kuroko hummed, he was going to open the door, until Akashi was the one who opened the door. "Akashi Kun? Do you have any pant's?" Kuroko asked.

Akashi hummed and didn't listen to any question's of the bluenette, just looking at the bluenette's white thigh's, hip's and the bluenette's neck. Those wet hair and body of the bluenette aftee bath.

Those rosy lip's of bluenette, the Emperor licked his lips. "Akashi Kun? Hello? Is someone their? I'm asking for a pants" Kuroko sigh.

"Akashi Kun, is someone----" Kuroko was cut off, when the Emperor spoke, "It suit's you very well, My Dear" Akashi chuckle. "Thank you.. can you now give me some pant's now? I can't stay like this forever" Kuroko spoke.

Akashi chuckle, "Before that, let me have a little taste, I'm quite hungry" the Emperor's eye's flickered in crimson and gold.

Akashi close the door at the bathroom, "W-Wait----" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor carried him at his thigh's. "H-Hold o-on a minute----" Kuroko tried to stop the Emperor.

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