Chapter 32

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------No One's Pov----

It was still a long way, "Why just don't we stay at the hotel nanodayo?" Midorima asked. "Yeah.. Midochin have a point Akachin.. we are still Kyoto" Murasakibara sigh. The rest nodded their head's Akashi hummed and look at the bluenette who was quite sleepy.

"I agreed" Akashi smile. The driver drove to the luxury hotel. Aomine yawned mostly the lazy giant who was already sleeping at the car. Hugging the pillow, Midorima smack his head. "Wake up" Midorima adjust his glassed and sigh. Murasakibara  sigh annoyedly. "Can you just shake me up gently...??" The lazy giant asked.

"Midorima is quite cold hearted" Kagami laugh. Kuroko wanted to take off the heel's. "Tetsuya are you alright?" Akashi look down that Kuroko's foot is quite getting hurt a bit. "I can carry---" Kuroko cut him off straightly, "I decline" Kuroko decline the Emperor. The Emperor just chuckle.

They go inside, many people look at them. "Look it's Akashi Sama's finacé..." many gossiping, "It's Akashi Sama.. Oh my god.. Look how beautiful is his fiancé" Many more gossiping. Kuroko can't stand it.

Kuroko was going to spoke until but it was cut off. "Akashi Sama! You have such a beautiful fiancé, I will ready the room at the top floor" the receptionist bowed fastly. "W-what?" Kuroko shutter. "Is their no individual.. room?" Kuroko asked.

"Eh?.. You don't want to sleep beside---" The receptionist was cut off by the Emperor. "My fiancé is just shy to slept with her future husband. Ready the room on the top floor" Akashi chuckle. The receptionist nodded.

Kuroko stomped his foot hard. "What are you doing? I can sleep on my---" Kuroko was cut off, "I decline. Tetsuya you can't sleep on your own. Beside, your future husband is--" Kuroko cut him off. "Please don't call yourself my  "Future Husband" I don't have any of that".

The Miracle's sigh and facepalm. The Miracle's split up since they are going to their room's. Kuroko and Akashi followed the receptionist that going to the biggest room at the highest floor at the hotel.

The receptionist spoke, "Akashi Sama this is the highest top room at this hotel, please enjoy your rest" She bowed. The elevator closed.

"I wish I bought my camera here to take a picture of the building" Kuroko walk infront of the window. Look at the city. Akashi take off his blazer and necktie. He unbottuned his button's at his sleeve only until his chest. Akashi look at the bluenette.

"I forgot.. something" Kuroko spoke. "I need go---" Kuroko was cut off when Akashi hugged him at the back. Kuroko look at the ring and start's taking off.

"Here" Kuroko spoke. "That quite hurt Tetsuya" Akashi chuckle. "I'm not your fiancé" Kuroko facepalm. Kuroko walk and look everywhere. He opened the cabinet. It has an extra shirt.

Akashi grab his wrist sat at his lap. "I need to change, I can't sleep like this. "Oh?" Akashi kissed the bluenette's lip's that he layed the bluenette.

"Akashi Kun please listen" Kuroko spoke. Akashi just smile and grab the blanket. "Wake me up tomorrow" He command, hugging the bluenette.

"I already told you, I can't---" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor was already sleeping. Kuroko can't help but sigh. Kuroko look at the Emperor.

'He..must be quite tired..' Kuroko thought to himself. His vision is getting blurry. Kuroko fall asleep into the Emperor's arm's. 'So...warm.. '

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