Chapter 47

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--------No One's Pov-----

1 Week later, after they started a normal work again, Ayane still couldn't forget about how close is the bluenette and Kiro. She doesn't want to see that. She felt like she's always the last chosen.

'Why are.. you leaving me behind..?' Ayane sigh softly. She look at the bluenette. She followed him everywhere, sometimes she is always getting lost because of his low presence.

Since that time, she always saw him with Kiro. 'I.. Want Him.. I want him love me..
His.. choosing someone..
Making himself far away from me..'

She gritted her teeth, 'I just want the time when you spent with me..'

"Ayane!!" Since Kiro was a kid with Ayane, he was smiling at her so warm. "Kiro Kun! You idiot! Playing dirty thing's again!!" She pouted, they always have been together since kid's.

Until it was change when the bluenette came. She has no choice but to change the bluenette. 'I'm sorry.. But.. I need to do this for him' her jealousy come's more often.

It was afternoon that she left early at work, she saw Kuroko and the Emperor at the café having a nice conversation eachother. She took some picture at her phone.

When the Emperor is going to look at the window, she suddenly ran away. She was holding her phone. It was a sunny day and her day wasn't that good for her.

'His with that CEO again.. that Rich Guy.. Akashi Seijuro, I can see... that Akashi Sama.. has feel in the same way. Maybe I can talk to him.. No no.. It's going to be scary.. I need to act as my own' She thought on her mind. She want's to talk to the Emperor but she was too afraid. Ayane will act on her own. Her own way. To make Kuroko and Kiro split up for good.

She post it in every account of her's. Many photo's of the bluenette and the Emperor. Together everyday. She was posting it in every social media that it spread's everywhere in Tokyo.

Many mean comment's is showing about the bluenette, being slut and having fun with the Emperor.

Another day, she saw the Emperor kissing the bluenette's forehead. She took a picture, she post it on her social media. Many people are quite mad about it, seducing the Emperor by the bluenette.

Having fun and having a good time all day. Many people and many viewer's was watching her post every day.

The day that she suddenly started to text the Emperor. She text him to meet at the café. She has no choice but to talk to the Emperor.


The Emperor was on a meeting, he notice his phone rang. It was a text from someone. He hummed softly, "Hm.." the Emperor read the text, he has to meet someone at the café. It is not a bluenette, 'Another meeting of someone? But this seem's different' Akashi stand up.

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