Chapter 13

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-----No One's Pov---

He found a perfect job for the bluenette. Kuroko fastly start's finding a taxi  Akashi smile of how Kuroko was acting fastly just to get a job on his own. He goes back to his office, the Emperor suddenly look at Kise who was pure red.



"Kise? why didn't give the file's to Akashi??" Kagami asked him. Murasakibara can tell he saw something. Kise was pure red. When he saw that scene. "I uh.. w-well.." Kise shutter softly. Aomine tilted his head and grab the file's.

"I'll give it to him idiot---" he was cut off when Akashi arrive. "A-Akashi!" Aomine was startled, Kise's eye's widened. "A-A-Akashicchi!!!" Kise look at him. Akashi can tell that face, Kise saw them. The Emperor smirk softly.

He just sat at his chair that he spin his chsir and look at the big window's, looking at the city is quite peaceful.


Kuroko uses the taxi and followed the map at his phone of where Kiro is. He saw Kiro was at the Restaurant.  "Stop their please" Kuroko said in a calm tone. The taxi driver stop at the restaurant. He payed the taxi driver.

He goes out of the car and run to Kiro. "Kiro Kun? Did you find a job?" Kuroko asked him fastly. "Yes! follow me!" Kiro goes to his bicycle.

Kuroko sat at the edge that has a sitting right behind it. "Hold on tight" Kiro smiled. Kuroko hummed softly and hold to Kiro's waist.

Kiro felt his delicate hand's at his waist. Kiro softly blush. He didn't know what it felt. But his heart, keep's racing at the time. He stop when he arrive. "Here we are!!!" Kiro smiled. It was Model Photographer. "A model??" Kuroko asked him.

"Yes!! It fit's you, they want to hire another worker!!! C'mon!!" Kiro smiled. Kuroko look at the place that it was very huge. He goes inside. "Is this the kid? He seems too young" the Manager kept thinking until Kiro grabbed his camera and show the Manager the picture's. "Oh wow! such an amazing picture's!" The manager smile.

Kuroko look up to him. "Thank you sir" He bowed respectfully.

"Your In!!!!"


It was exactly night time, Kuroko was taking a bath while reading the book that he borrowed. Most of all he was quite happy that he found a job that he can make more money at his own. Someone call him, it was Kiro, Kuroko and Kiro got a lot of a talk about.

Kuroko was glad that he found a friend like Kiro.

'Tomorrow will be a new day.. I need to get up early'

2 Day's later at his work, he was doing very good. Kiro only look at the bluenette. He look at him, taking so many picture's. Kiro smile softly. Kiro admit that Kuroko was very good taking at picture's at his own.

It was now break time, "Hey Kuroko!" Kiro called him, he gave the bluenette some water. "Thank you, Kiro Kun" Kuroko said with a blank tone. He still didn't smile, but inside he was happy that he found a job and it suit's him very well.

"Is that a book at your bag? sweet! It's very new!" Kiro smiled and grab the book. "Wait, this is not mine Kiro kun, it is from Akashi Kun, I just borrowed it from him" Kuroko explained.

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