Chapter 65

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--------No One's Pov------

It was silence at the room. Akashi kissed the bluenette's forehead. The Emperor smile, Kuroko was on his arm's, sleeping at his chest.

He was wondering about Kiro. He remember's Kiro's word's. 'Jealousy could be dangerous' The Emperor chuckle.


While outside, Ayane tried to make Kiro calm himself. "Just apologize Kiro" Ayane and Kiro look at Midorima.

Midorima sigh irritatedly, "We can't go on like this.. today we will go home. Just confront Kuroko and apologize nanodayo. It's not your fault, neither Kuroko as well. You just push away yourself too far" Midorima explained, Moimoi and the other's are worried.

Kiro sigh sadly and rubbed his arm's, "I.. I'll try if.. he'll forgive me" Kiro whisper. Ayane smiled. "Moimoi san, call Kuroko" Ayane spoke, Moimoi nodded.

Moimoi thumb's up and ran as fast as she can to the room. Miyo look at Moimoi. He saw Moimoi knock at the room. The door open that it was the Emperor, Kuroko woke up a little.

Moimoi saw Kuroko just woke up in a little sleep. "Akashi kun, Dai chan and Ayane San is waiting. Even Kiro." Moimoi look at Kuroko. Kuroko just look away. "Please Kuroko" Moimoi plead.

The Emperor hummed, "I'll handle this, he only listen's to me. Maybe I can convince Tetsuya. You may go back with Daiki and the other's" Akashi spoke with a warm tone. Moimoi nodded that she ran outside.

Akashi look at the bluenette. "Tetsuya.." It was so soft tone. "Let's go outside" The Emperor smiled. Kuroko sag up and look at him.

Akashi sat beside the bluenette, he kissed the bluenette's finger's. "Nothing will happen. If something happen, I'm here. Habishi might apologies, just forgive him" Akashi spoke very warmly to convice his Kuroko. Kuroko just look away.

The bluenette was hesitating. 'Such a stubborn puppy I have' Akashi thought.

"C'mon Tetsuya or I'll carry you outside." Akashi command, Kuroko look at him. "I'll be waiting" Akashi kissed his cheek and goes outside. Kuroko look at the clock, they will go home soon enough, he saw his Uncle.

Smiling at him, Kuroko sigh and had no choice but to go outside the room. The bluenette goes outside, straight for the garden.

He saw so many vegetables, when he go outside. The bluenette hummed, every Miracle's was hiding. The Emperor is watching as well.

They saw Kiro was walking toward's the bluenette. The Emperor hummed softly, he was crossing his arm's. Even Miyo is watching them. Moimoi and Ayane was on the other side.

Kiro cough, Kuroko turned around that it was the bluenette. "About.. earlier at the morning, I'm sorry okay?" That word's. Apologizing is not that easy.

Kuroko turned around, "I'll.. forgive you if you will not do that again, but for now.. Please stop talking for me, if your just going to do it again."  Kuroko walk away, straight for the forest. Kiro start's to follow him.

"Stop following me" Kuroko spoke, "No, unless you will forgive me of what I've done" Kiro said in a warm tone. When they reach from the bridge, at the middle of the bridge.

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