Chapter 11

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-----No One's Pov----

They all meet up eachother, most of them, they all look at the bluenette and the Emperor are stsring eachother without any blink at their eye's.

Their eye's widened when Kuroko asked the Emperor.. "It is a coincidence but...What are you..doing here..?" Kuroko was not dreaming.

"Is it bad to be here? Tetsuya.." when he called that name, he was going to caresses his cheek, but Kuroko suddenly change the subject. "I saw him earlier.." Kuroko look at the Emperor's hand was going away.

Kiro and Hayama look at them both. "Akashi Sama! Are you two close?" Hayama asked. "No we are not" Kuroko said with an honest tone. "Oh? Don't lie to them now, Tetsuya. Is it bad being your friend?" Akashi asked him quite close.

"Just introduce me to your friend" Kuroko spoke. "Yes, this is Murasakibara Atsushi" Akashi introduce the lazy giant.

Murasakibara look down at him.. "His very tiny Akachin..." he patted Kuroko's head. "I am Kuroko Tetsuya, nice to meet you" Kuroko bowed respectfully to the lazy giant.

Kiro suddenly spoke "Hey! let's eat together!" Kuroko look at Kiro. "But Kiro Kun--" Kuroko was cut off by Akashi. "I agreed, I haven't quite eaten lunch yet" Akashi softly smirk. The lazy giant look at the Emperor and hummed softly.

They sat at the table but.. it was already full for Kuroko to sit. Kiro was beside Hayama, while at the left is Murasakibara was beside Akashi.

They look at the bluenette.. "It seems, I'll just sat at the other side.." Kuroko spoke. He was going to walk off when Kiro grab his wrist, Akashi's  gaze was on Kiro who was quite touching the bluenette's wrist.

"You can sit beside me" Kiro smiled at the bluenette. Kuroko just beside Kiro, that Kiro is the middle of Hayama and Kuroko. Kiro smiled, they start to order but the Emperor's gaze was on Kiro's action's to the bluenette.

Their order arrived fastly, since the waiter's know that face, the Emperor's face that owns many thing's. They bowed.

Kuroko sip his vanilla milkshake. "By the way Kuroko.. I've been contacted you many time's last night.. but you weren't answering my call's? Did something happened to you last night??"

That question make Kuroko stunned thate froze. He coudn't  answer that question. "Or maybe your taking picture's of the star's again?? Kiro added, Akashi smirk softly that he didn't know what really happened last night.

The lazy giant notice the Emperor's  smirk at his lips. Murasakibara hummed and curious what really happened. 'Is their something between them..?' He thought to himself while Hayama was curious as well.

Kuroko fastly nodded at Kiro. Kiro hummed softly.. "Ohhh.. Your really good at taking picture's.." Kiro smiled and eat's his burger.

Kuroko sigh in a relief that he was glad that
he avoid that kind of question. "By the way Kuroko, I have a good news" Kiro smiled to everyone. "What good new's??" Murasakibara asked him.

"But first, I should Asked Kuroko, do you remember the guy? the first time you guy's have done it into a rich hotel??" Kuroko's eye's widened. Hayama and Murasakibara are confused. "Wait wait wait.. what do you mean?" Hayama scratches his head.

"Actually he exchange his body for my little sister! Actually I still have the sign, maybe I can--" Kiro was cut off by the bluenette. "Maybe next time.." Kuroko spoke. Akashi smirk softly and asked "Well, it is seemed surprise that Tetsuya.. exchange his body" Akashi spoke.

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