Chapter 8

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------No One's Pov----

It was morning, Kuroko softly hummed and look at the time. He yawned softly, the bluenette stand up. For some reason, he didn't saw his camera around. 'Where's my camera??' he thought to himself until he was out of thought's.

Morning until afternoon, he still couldn'nt find his important camera. He search everywhere at his apartment, even the closet's of his.

He couldn't find it, even under the bed or a sofa. Kuroko sigh and facepalm that he couldn't remember because of what happened yesterday.

He suddenly remember's it was on the Emperor's office. Kuroko suddenly call Mayuzumi, he don't know why he couldn't confront Akashi face to face.

"Mayuzumi Kun can you.. Can you please find my Camera in Akashi Kun's office??" he hummed and wait for Mayuzumi's answer.

"Uhm.. Kuroko, Akashi Sama was the one who bring your camera with him" that make's Kuroko stunned. "I-I see" He replied, the bluenette suddenly hung up. He sigh, he wonder's of how can he face the Emperor?? Kuroko has no other choice but to meet him.

The bluenette call's Mayuzumi again.. "Mayuzumi Kun, can you tell me of where is Akashi Kun right now?" he asked, Mayuzumi answer his question "Well, his on Kyoto right now, I think Akashi will not even stay so maybe you can wait for him" Mayuzumi explained. 'Kyoto.. that's quite far away.. I can't go their, maybe I can just wait for him' Kuroko sigh.

"Is their something wrong?" Mayuzumi asked him, "Nothing's wrong, anyways, goodbye for now, I'll clean my stuff here" Kuroko replied Mayuzumi. "Yes, goodbye" while Mayuzumi hung up.

Kuroko  look at his phone, the bluenette suddenly read the new number. He knew whose number this is, it was the Emperor's number.

He has no choice but not to call him since his quite very busy man. 'This is quite a pain' Kuroko sigh again tiredly.

The bluenette cleaned every dirt at his apartment, he was kind of busy as well, cleaning and cleaning and more cleaning that he get's.

Unfortunately, he didn't remove every picture's at his wall. He look all his beautiful picture's. He sigh, this is only what he get's taking some picture's.

He take shower for a couple of minute's, he put some clothe's. He goes out to his apartment to buy some groceries for tonight. For his dinner.

It didn't take any longer, he straightly goes to the market, the bluenette uses his own money. Since his money is just a little, he just buy a few.

He walk some several store's to buy some desser, tomake his own vanilla milkshake, one of his top 1st favorite milkshake.

He didn't know that it was gonna be dawn soon enough.


While in the highest building of Kyoto, Akashi hummed by their report's or other any performance's that they showed to the Emperor.

Akashi was now going to his car, they bowed at the Emperor he look at the camera beside him. He will take this back to the bluenette. The car drove off, he was now going back to Tokyo.

A long hour's later, the Emperor arrive in Tokyo, had along ride. Then he saw the bluenette, at the cafe alone, going to leave the cafe. "Stop to the cafe" he command, the driver replied "Yes, Akashi Sama" the driver goes to the cafe.

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