Chapter 29

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-----No One's Pov----

Early at the Morning, Kuroko was still sleeping, hugging the big brown teddy bear at his side. His sleep was crushed when someone called him, his phone was ringing at the Early of the morning. 2 day's left for the ball, their's only two day's to make Kuroko a fine woman.

Kuroko was quite annoyed, he grab his phone and answer's the call while rubbing his eye's. "Good Mor-----" Kuroko was cut of in Moimoi's voice, "Tetsu Kun!!!! Get Up!! get Up!!!! We need to fix or what dress you should wear!!!!! We will still make a dress you know Tetsu Kun!!!! So Tetsu Kun come and!!-----" Kuroko suddenly hung up. 'It still has two day's left.. oh right, they will still make a dress and going to measure me' Kuroko sigh deeply.

Kuroko walk out of his room, start's taking a shower and brushing his teeth. He ate a little breakfast and wash dishes, washing his clothe's and even cleaning his apartment.

He open's his door. Holding his bag with hus camera on it. The bluenette locked the door at his apartment and put it into his pocket.

He was going out to the building, it was quite tiring using the stair's. He was also surprise when he saw Moimoi was waving, Aomine and Kagami.

"Kuroko!!!" Kagami shouted. Kuroko facepalm to himself.. it was annoying waking him up in the middle of his sleep. "Tetsu Kun! Get In!" Moimoi hugged his one arm.

Kagami, Kuroko and Moimoi goes inside Aomine's car. "Let's ride in!!!" Aomine drove faster. "Where are we goimg at this early of the morning?" Kuroko asked.

"At Akashi's mansion, they will measure you first to make a dress in just 2 day's straight. It's hard to make a fashionable dress you know" Kagami sigh. "But maybe I can just borrow some dress to Moimoi san" Kuroko spoke.

"Tetsu Kun it won't fit you actually" Moimoi scratches her head. "Can I just be wear something formal as a male and not a female? How can I be a woman??" Kuroko asked irritatedly. "You'll see soon enough Tetsu" Aomine drove faster.

Aomine drove inside the big gate. Kuroko saw two car's. He even saw Murasakibara, Kise who was waving with a cheerful smile and Midorima who was hugging his pink fan.

Kuroko sweatdrop when they all arrive in one place. He saw two girl's and it was a twin's who was carrying many bag's. Aomine goes off in his car, Kagami and Moimoi even Kuroko. "Kurokocchii!!!!!" Kise suddenly wave cheerfully.

Kise suddenly gave a really big tight hugged to Kuroko, "K-Kise... k-kun.. I c-can't---" Kuroko was cut off when Aomine grab Kise's head. "You'll kill Tetsu Kise" Aomine had an irk mark.

"I'm just giving him a hugged!!" Kise whined, Midorima adjust his glasses, "Giving a hug and murdering is different Kise nanodayo" Midorima added.

"You too Midorimacchi!?" Kise whined at the corner. Kagami grab Kuroko. He dragged the bluenette inside, Murasakibars just wave at them and followed Kagami.

"Ah Tetsuya you arrive, I'm so glad---" Kuroko cut the Emperor off, "Please don't tell me Akashi Kun, it's the early at the morning" Kuroko spoke.

"Yes, I'm just glad that you agreed" Akashi walk close, every Miracle's took a peek to the both of them, they saw the Emperor's one arm wrapping around the bluenette's waist.

They all look at the two twin's. "Wow! Is it really him!" One girl with a ponytail screamed in excitement. "Yes, I know!" while the other girl has two pigtail's. Kise spoke, "Akashicchi this is the two model's, one of my friend's as well. The two of them can calculate Kurokocchi's dress and can meaure him" Kise spoke. He was a model after all so he will take care of it.

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