Chapter 4

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-----No One's Pov---

It was now exactly night time, Akashi was now at his car, as for Midorima going inside the Emperor's car. "You have many car's and yet you only  use it once nanodayo" Midorima sigh.

Akashi chuckle.. "How amusing you are Tsunderima" he smirk. Midorima had an irk mark and he just adjust his glasses. "I am not a tsundere" Midorima look at the Emperor.

"You seemed happy today? Did you saw something or someone interesting?" He asked the Emperor.

"Yes" Akashi's only reply that he start driving, the Emperor stop when he saw the bluenette and Mayuzumi taking the bus. He look how calm is the bluenette seeing him earlier, he was like porcelain doll. He smirk softly.

They go inside the bus that the bus start's to drove away. Akashi follow the bus. "Where are we going nanodayo?" He ask. "Oh nothing Shintarou, I just need to go somewhere, I'll bring you home" he spoke coldly.

Midorima is quite stunned that those word's came from the Emperor. "I.. I see" Midorima cough. It was awkwadd for him. In a hour later, Akashi stop the car infront of Midorima's house.

"Thank you Akashi" Midorima goes out of his car,  carrying the thing's that he buy. The Emperor nodded and start's droving away. He remember's of where the bus is going he still follow's it. He hummed softly when the bus suddenly stop.

He saw the bluenette and Mayuzumi goes out of the bus that he just walk. Akashi follow him a little quiet that he saw his apartment. He can see that the lady pat his head since the Emperor paid it for him. Akashi drove off.


Back to Kuroko and Mayuzumi, was was still surprise that he met the man again at the mall. Mayuzumi spoke "I almost forgot" Mayuzumi gave an invitation to Kuroko, which the Emperor gave it to him. "What's this??" He ask.

"Well.. you want to thank him right? He invites you to a.. to.. a Party, yes a Party, Kuroko" Mayuzumi smile.

Mayuzumi doesn't know about it, since he didn't open the invitation for the bluenette. "Okay then, Good Night, Mayuzumi kun" Kuroko bow and goes inside his apartment.

Mayuzumi wave. Mayuzumi was thinking, now that he think about it, he buyed some new clothe's for the bluenette tomorrow.

Inside the Apartment, Kuroko sigh tiredly and look at the crimson envelope. He start's to open it, until he read's it.

His eye's widened that he is invite to a dinner. "A dinner..?" He look at the time. It was exact 10:00 Pm, it was the same 10:00 Pm the time he goes to that hotel.

He can see of where building he will come. 'Just who is this.. Akashi Seijuro??' He sigh and just put it down, he was still thinking of he will come or not. The bluenette grab his camera, start's looking at every photo's.

He hummed softly.. he was peacefully looking at the photo's. The bluenette suddenly grab his phone and text Mayuzumi.

That he opens the envelope. Mayuzumi was not surprise by it, since he buyed some formal clothe's for the bluenette.

Kuroko didn't understand of what is going on. 'I need to get ready for tomorrow's dinner party' he sigh softly that he lay at his couch looking at the old picture. One picture that he saw it with him. His ex. He didn't dare to look away, Kuroko just turn his camera off.

His vision was quite getting blurred, the bluenette yawn and start's falling asleep at the couch until he fall asleep.


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