Chapter 41

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------No One's Pov-----

Kuroko looked at the Emperor, the Emperor goes inside his car and drove off. Kuroko looked at him.. "Akashi Kun.. about earlier.. well, did you.. saw us?" the bluenette asked and they Emperor knew what he meant. "Yes" that's the only answer that the Emperor has.

"Tetsuya.. about earlier, what did you guy's talk about?" the Emperor suddenly asked.

"He was just asking if I already chose.. I didn't even answer his question after that." Kuroko said in a warm tone. The Emperor looked at him, he was driving the bluenette at the blunette's workplace.

"I see.." he park his car. The Emperor notice that Kiro was waiting for him. At first it was Ogiwara and now Kiro. Akashi goes out of his car and even the bluenette.

"Kuroko!" He called and wave. Kuroko wave back softly. "Wait.. aren't you going to your work Akashi Kun?" he asked.

Akashi softly smirk. Kuroko looked at the Emperor. Kiro grab the bluenette, the Emperor was now holding the bluenette's arm.

"Habishi, don't get too high hope's up, your like Shigehiro, who has always leaving someone behind the dirt." the Emperor said in a cold tone. Kiro gritted his teeth, "What did you say!----" Kiro was cut off when the Manager called.

"Kiro and Kuroko! It's starting!" Kiro grab the bluenette and dragged him inside. The bluenette saw that everybody was line up. Kuroko looked at them all. Every photographer's are in a line.

"Okay, we will have a trip into mountain's to take some picture's. A real picture's of some other ancient times. This will be new than taking picture's into the Model's, we will havw 3 Day's trip at the Mountain's, that's a reward for your hardworking as well" The Manager explained.

Kiro was very excited. On the other hand, the bluenette was not quite excited about this. "Don't worry! He is here to be with us in three day's!!" The manager point at the Emperor.

Kiro and Kuroko's eye's widened. Every girl's suddenly felt excited. Akashi hummed very coldly, "Akashi Sama what group will you pick?" the Manager asked.

The Emperor saw the bluenette who was with the other 5 Group's. "If I will pick whatever I want then I want Tetsuya's group" the Emperor chuckle. Kuroko froze and mostly Kiro.

'Akashi.. Kun' Kuroko looked at the Emperor who was smirking softly at him. They will take few buses but Akashi will take his own luxurious car.

They will start going tomorrow earlier at the Morning.

After that, they all go home for tomorrow. The bluenette start's packing his clothes, 3 or 5 clothes for him was enough for 3 Days. 'Tomorrow will be a tiring day isn't it?' Kuroko sigh more deeply.

He layed his head on his bed. 'Strange.. why is Akashi Kun coming?.. Why is he coming with us?' Kuroko thought deeply.

Kuroko stand up and sat at his bed. He sigh again. 'I hope Kiro Kun and Akashi Kun will be friend's soon enough.. but I think that will never happen..' Kuroko look at the ceiling.

He was thinking about Kiro and Akashi since they are in the same group. Kuroko find his bracelet and put it on his bag. It was the bracelet that Akashi buy's for him.

Next Day at the earlier of the Morning, Kuroko grab his bag and carried it at his back. He never go to a journey before so it was his first time.

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