Chapter 34

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------No One's Pov----

"Thank you, Kiro Kun" Kuroko smile. Kiro wave and pedal away. Kuroko sigh tiredly and touches his head. 'I need to rest' Kuroko go inside the building.

Kiro smiled softly. While the bluenette going to his apartment, getting dizzy. It was quite hard for him.

4 Day's Later, Kiro was quite worried that his not at his work today. Kiro was pretty worried. The time when someone knock at the door, Kiro opened it, it was the Emperor holding some plastic bag with lunch on it. "Where's Tetsuya?" Akashi suddenly asked.

"Well.. his not here.. he didn't go to work" Kiro scratches his head. "Oi wait--" Kiro was cut off. "I'll visit Tetsuya" Akashi spoke and goes into his car that he drove off fastly. Kiro sigh. 'I can tell his worried as well' Kiro thought to himself.

While the Emperor who was driving fastly, Akashi hummed softly, this is the first time Kuroko didn't go to work. Akashi rush to go inside to the bluenette's building. Akashi know what is the bluenette's apartment.

He goes inside the building straightly going to the bluenette's apartment. He was no infront of the bluenette's door. He knock 3 or 4 times in a row.

The door suddenly open's, it was showing the bluenette has a very wet hair and has a red blush in the cheek's until ear. Akashi found it quite cute, Akashi cough a little.

"Why aren't you in your job today?" Akashi asked, Kuroko let him in. "Just tired" Kuroko sigh. Akashi was quite starting to worried. The Emperor sat at the couch.

He look at the bluenette who was still at the kitchen washing the plate's. Akashi watch the bluenette washing the plate's. Kuroko sigh tiredly. "Tetsuya let me help" Akashi take off his blazer and just hang it on the chair.

"No.. It's Okay" Kuroko finished washing the dishes and yet hold at the bar a little. He was quite dizzy. "Tetsuya?" Akashi softly goes to the bluenette. The bluenette walk a little that he fall down, the Emperor suddenly catch the bluenette.

"Tetsuya!?" Akashi was so worried, he check his forehead that it was burning. Akashi carried the bluenette in bridal and goes inside the room, he layed the bluenette down at the bed that he covered him some blanket.

He grab towel and a cold water. He start putting the towel at the cold water and squeeze it hard. He put it on the bluenette's forehead.

Akashi sigh, someone called him that it was Hayama, Akashi just text Hayama to cancel the two meetings. He look at the bluenette. Kuroko was breathing heavily. Kuroko woke up a little.

"Your.. still.. here?" He said in a soft tone. "Yes, Tetsuya" Akashi smile and sat at the floor. "You have a fever" Akashi spoke. "Don't work too hard" Akashi spoke, "Yes.. I'm sorry" Kuroko whisper. Akashi nodded.

At that night, the Emperor stayed at the bluenette's place, cooking some dinner, he has an apron. Cooking some dinner for the bluenette, a hot soup.

He put it on the bowl, Akashi goes to the room carrying a hot soup. Kuroko softly look at him. Akashi feed the bluenette, "How is it?" Akashi asked. "It's.. Good.." Kuroko whisper.

Akashi smile and start's feeding the bluenette. "Your quite good.. take caring someone's in a hard condition's..." Kuroko whisper.

"Well, I was just a kid back then, taking caring my mother's condition, she died in heart disease." Akashi spoke. "Sorry.. to hear that.." Kuroko whisper. He was falling asleep.

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