Chapter 22

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-----No One's Pov----

"Hey Tetsu, I thought your with Akashi?"

Kuroko look at Aomine, "I'm at work, I will just visit him if I will borrow some book's to read. Frequently something came up" Kuroko sigh that he look at Kiro who was quite avoiding him. Kuroko grab his bag and just walk out, Kiro hummed softly and didn't look back.

'If this what make's me feel better.. I need to avoid him.. Because even though how many time's I smile or laugh.. and how many time's I touch him..
He will never be mine..'


Kuroko and Aomine are walking at the street. "Hey? Why don't you visit Akashi today? I can tell that his free" Aomine smiled happily. "I.. am kind of busy.." Kuroko whisper. "Busy??" Aomine asked, Kuroko nodded

The bluenette felt some jealousy mixing inside him because of that woman. The woman who stole his lover and even his best friend.

He was just frozen at the time. He want to take it back. He want's all but he couldn't. "Hey Tetsu.. I am just wondering, what are you to Akashi? You two seemed very close" Aomine asked.

That make Kuroko froze, 'What.. am I to him?' He thought to himself deeply, he remembered, how Akashi kissed him, how Akashi hugged him.

How Akashi protected him from someone. He don't know what it felt. He wanted to know that he was so desperate to know that why Akashi of all people chose him.

"His just my friend.. Nothing more" Kuroko whisper. The bluenette didn't hesitate to call the Emperor a friend. Aomine look at him.

"Then talk to him if you need anything or you can just talk to me instead Tetsu, What do you say?" Aomine smile the brightest. Kuroko look that Aomine clenched his fist for a fist bomb.

They fist bomb, Kuroko felt happy inside having a true friend. He softly smile, Aomine's eye's widened that it was his first time seeing his soft smile. "Tetsu why don't you smile everyday, Akashi might want to see it. " Aomine laugh.

'Me..? Smiling..? Does he want.. to see it?' Kuroko think about the Emperor. He hummed softly, thinking of what is the Emperor's reaction if he smiled.

He never smiled infront of everyone before. "I'll try.. Aomine Kun" Kuroko spoke and Aomine patted his head and ruffled his hair. "Aomine Kun you shouldn't do that" Kuroko sigh.

Kiro look at them having a good conversation, he wanted to join. Kiro sigh heavily and goes back to the workplace.

'I shouldn't steal someone... that it doesn't.. belong to me'


Kuroko and Aomine hang out until it was dawn. "Let's go at his office." Aomine spoke. "I decline, I have to---" Kuroko was cut off. "Oh c'mon Tetsu!" Aomine smiled.

They used a taxi going to Akashi's building. It was going dark, but Akashi's building is always so bright as ever. Kuroko hummed, he was thinking if he could smile for the Emperor. He hummed softly.

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