Chapter 49

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------No One's Pov-----

At that night, Kuroko spent the night that he tried to fix his camera. He couldn't. The bluenette hugged his camera tightly, now he remember's that it was not them who started it.

It was only one person, who could do this. Kuroko remember's that Ayane lied about it, Ayane lied to him of being hate.

'Why.... did.. you do this...?' Kuroko stand up, 'I need to find her' Kuroko put his camera on his room. He grab his phone and tried to call Ayane. She didn't answer his call. Kuroko has no choice but to see her.

He grab his jacket with a hoodie on it. The bluenette goes out of the apartment of his, with a hoodie and cover himself.

His low presence is working, he felt many people wasn't gazing on him. The  bluenette sigh softly. He ran outside of his building, running toward's to the park if Ayane was their and at the café. She was not their. Kuroko sigh tiredly.

His low stamina can't find her in such a big place in Tokyo. Kuroko start's going to walk around the street, many people didn't notice him.

The bluenette suddenly saw Ayane was going on a taxi. She goes inside the taxi, Kuroko tried to called her, "Ayane San! Ayane San!!" Kuroko shouted but the taxi drove away. Kuroko followed the taxi by running at the street's.

He can see where the taxi is going. Kuroko look at the street that the taxi is straight for the Big Mall in Tokyo. Kuroko goes straight to a shortcut.

The bluenette ran inside the mall, it was so many people. He can't find her. "Ayane San!?" He shouted, many people look everywhere of who shouted.

The bluenette ran and ran until he found her, she was holding a bag. Kuroko fastly grabbed her wrist, Ayane's eye's widened and suddenly turned around.

"Who are-----" she was cut off when it was the bluenette. "K-Kuroko----" Kuroko cut her off, "You started this.. didn't you? You make people to believe I'm having a relationship with Akashi Kun.. so me.. and Kiro kun will.. seperate." Kuroko breath's heavily.

Her eye's widened, "W-W-What are you----" the bluenette cut her off again, "Don't lie to me, since.. you hate me so much and you love him so much" Kuroko look at her.

She gritted her teeth and scream, "There's a filthy person want's to seduce me! Please someone helped me!!!" She screamed on the top of her lungs.

Every people look at her, she started crying. The bluenette's eye's widened, "N-No.. I----" Kuroko was cut off.

"Who the fuck are you treating a lady!!!!" Many of them shouted. "Yeah!!" Many of the people look at the bluenette.

"N-No it wasn't m-me----" Kuroko was cut off when Ayane remove his hoodie. Their eye's widened.

"No way.. isn't that Akashi Sama's relationship?.."

"I never thought his a slut seducing other women..."

"Akashi Sama doesn't deserve him..."

Many of the people whisper at their lowest tone. Kuroko look at the people, one of them start's throwing some food's into their bluenette.

Ayane run away, "I'm sorry... but this.. is the time I wanted Kiro.. and yet your stealing him.." Ayane's tear's fall down at her cheek's, when she look back, her eye's widened.

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