Chapter 51

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------No One's Pov----

The time he heard the conversation, the Emperor suddenly stand up and felt something was hearing their conversation. Kuroko suddenly ran away straight to the kitchen.

It was a good thing he was alone at the kitchen right now. He sigh in relief that the Emperor didn't know that his watching earlier. He grab a mug to pour some water and yet he was quite startled.


That voice, the mug that his holding, he accidentaly drop it. The mug broke into a pieces. Kuroko turned into stone of what he done.

Kuroko suddenly start's grabbing the pieces. Akashi chuckle, "Tetsuya, have you eaten dinner? You seemed hungry" The Emperor walk close. Kuroko stand up and shake his head.

Although it was a lie. Kuroko just look at the Emperor. He didn't respond, he just turned around and tried to fix the mug.

"Tetsuya why don't you speak infront of me?" Akashi asked once more. Kuroko just didn't respond.

"Tetsuya!" Akashi grab his wrist and force him to look up. The bluenette just look at the other gaze.

"Tetsuya look at me" The Emperor command, he force the bluenette to look at him, by holding his chin forcefully. Kuroko can't look at him, because of earlier.

Those blank empty eye's of his, he was hiding it. He don't know why he can't look at him at the eye's. But earlier, the Emperor make him skip his heart beat.

While the Emperor was quite getting irritated when the bluenette can't look at him at the eye's. Kuroko accidentaly hit his hand away.

The bluenette sweatdrop, this was the first time that he slap the Emperor's hand. Akashi grab his chin forcefully, "This is your first time being disobedient to me, Tetsuya" the Emperor spoke.

The bluenette make a handsign to apologize. The Emperor hummed softly. The Emperor smilea suddenly, "Good boy" he hugged the bluenette.

The bluenette was getting more startled more often when he just saw the Emperor. Kuroko has no other choice but to hugged back, since the time that Kuroko fully understand his reason.

He has now made a choice, made an answer.


The next day, Midorima was checking the bluenette's condition. 'He really make Midorima kun stay just to recover me..' Kuroko was a little bit worried for the Emperor since the Emperor was too worried for his condition.

"Kuroko, can you talk?" Midorima asked but the bluenette shake his head. "Hey Akashi, can you atleast make him smile?" Midorima asked.

"Make him smile?" The Emperor turned to the bluenette, but the bluenette just look away. "Akashi did something happened? He seemed to hate you" Midorima sigh.

"I don't know if he hate's me or not. I hope I can make him smile." The Emperor walk infront of the bluenette, he hold's the bluenette's hand.

Kuroko look at him so empty. "Will you smile for me Tetsuya?" Akashi kissed the back of his hand that make the bluenette's eye's widened.

The bluenette will just smile, Midorima and the Emperor's eye's widened in surprise when Kuroko smile for the Emperor. The Emperor's eye's sparkles.

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