Chapter 7

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----No One's Pov---

It was morning, Kuroko was still sleeping at the moment, his camera was at cabinet beside the bed. The bluenette's phone suddenly rang, it was not a call but a text.

Kuroko yawned and look at the text message. It was Mayuzumi.

"To : Kuroko Tetsuya
From : Mayuzumi
Subj. : Place

Good Morning, You like taking picture's right? I know a place."

Kuroko read his text, the bluenette hummed and just rubbed his face on the pillow. 'Mayuzumi Kun seemed excited' he yawned, he look at his bed hair at mirror. He sigh softly. Kuroko take's a shower for quite a minute, he wear some clothe's going where Mayuzumi is.

The bluenette look at his phone. He bring his camera. The bluenette was still thinking about last night. He sigh softly.

At the moment he goes out to his apartment, he saw Mayuzumi was quite waiting for him outside, Kuroko wave back. The bluenette walk out to the building, the lady hummed softly since he was paid 5 Month's.  Now he has 4 Month's straight.

The bluenette goes to Mayuzumi. "Good Morning, Mayuzumi Kun" He wave. "Kuroko, here's Hayama, my friend from work.

"Yo!! I am Hayama Kotaro!! Nice to meet ya Kuroko!" He smile. "I am Kuroko Tetsuya, nice to meet you" The bluenette bowed respectfully.

"Let's go??" Hayama look at Mayuzumi, Mayuzumi nodded. They take Hayama's car. Hayama start's driving.

"How are you Kuroko these day's?? I heard Akashi Sama is a friend of your's" Hayama spoke. Kuroko look at him. "He.. He is a friend of mine" Kuroko replied the cheery Hayama.

"Are you guy's  close???" Hayama asked another question. Kuroko look at him and spoke "No, we are not that close friend's." Kuroko replied a simple honest answer.

Mayuzumi hummed softly, even though Kuroko and the Emperor are not that close, something is behind it. In an hour later, they arrive at the beautiful place that Mayuzumi mentioned earlier to the bluenette.

Kuroko goes out to Hayama's car, he can see a vsry beautiful view. Kuroko fastly grab his camera and start's picturing the beautiful view.

Mayuzumi and Hayama smile. "Hayama Kun and Mayuzumi Kun, why aren't you at work today?? Isn't Akashi Kun will be mad since you two are his both assistant?" Kuroko asked them.

"Well, Akashi Sama give us a free day to rest, his busy doing many thing's right now." Mayuzumi chuckle. Kuroko hummed softly. While Hayama take a picture, Kuroko suddenly look at him. "Did you just take a picture?" Mayuzumi asked Hayama, Hayama smirk and post it on a social media.

Kuroko sigh. Mayuzumi's phone rang. Mayuzumi answer's it. It was the Emperor, Mayuzumi suddenly nodded when the Emperor is ordering him.

Hayama look at Mayuzumi. "Hayama, let's go" Mayuzumi spoke. "Where are yu guy's going??" Kuroko asked him. "We are going to Akashi Sama" Mayuzumi replied him.

"Let Kuroko come! since it is Akashi Sama calling, most of all he is friend of Akashi Sama" Hayama smirk. Kuroko decline Hayama. "Oh c'mon!!!!" Hayama whined. Mayuzumi sigh and facepalm.

Kuroko look at Mayuzumi "Hayama is quite correct, just come, their's no ride here in the early of the morning" Mayuzumi smile.

Kuroko has no choice but to agreed with them. "Yesh!!!!" Hayama cheered for the bluenette. Kuroko take one picture of the view, Hayama fastly grab his arm that the bluenette was drag by Hayama. Hayama drove off.

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