Chapter 33

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-------No One's Pov-----

Kuroko look at them both, "Kiro Kun.. I'm quite tired" Kuroko whisper. Kuroko start's to walk to the building but Kiro hold him. "You do know I'm worried for you, as your best friend!!" Kiro smiled cheerfully.

While the Emperor hummed, "Akashi is their something---" Aomine was cut off when the Emperor is quite not in the mood right now.

Kuroko look at Kiro, the bluenette know's how greedy he is. "Kiro Kun, shouldn't you be at work?" Kuroko asked. "Well.." Kiro rubbed his nape.

"It's my free time so maybe I can spend my time with you" Kiro smile. Kuroko hummed softly. He look at the Emperor, the limousine is starting to drove away. Kuroko look at Kiro, who was already happy to see him.


While at the Emperor, "A-Akashicchi.. Aren't you in a bad mood today?" Kise scratches his head. "Yes, it is. Someone just destroyed my mood often" Akashi spoke and look at the window.

"Your quite jealous nanodayo, I saw how you look at Kuroko and Kiro earlier" Midorima adjust his glasses.

Akashi crossed his arm's. "Maybe" Akashi mumble. He just think about the bluenette. Kuroko would often talk to him. At the window, he saw Hikari and Ogiwara. He felt something will be a big trouble.

Akashi think out of something. The limousine stop at every house's of where they live.

Kise and Aomine just stop at the train station with Murasakibara, while Midorima is dropped by in the Hospital, since he is a doctor.

The Emperor was now the only one at the limousine car. His phone suddenly rang a little. He check it. It was a text from a bluenette. Akashi smiled softly.


Ogiwara and Hikari was at the café, talking about something he want. "Hikari, I know your obsessed with men's, but I'm Kuroko's first best friend, will you help me? To make Kuroko and Akashi... Seperate?" Ogiwara spoke. Hikari's eye's widened softly.

"Oh? Seperate?" Hikari hummed softly, 'I don't know what your putting but you and Akashi are not the only one who fell inlove with that boy, Kiro as well.

It is not easy to take Kuroko away from Akashi's cage. Hikari hummed. "I will not agreed at your offer, I know what your putting to make them seperate, even you want them seperate, you know what will happen..
You do know that Akashi.. is not just a person you can fight with? You can rival with?"

Hikari crossed her arm's. She was correct, Akashi Seijuro own's everything and his the Emperor. Ogiwara sigh.

"Oh I wanted to turn back time but I couldn't.." Ogiwara look down at his coffee, "It's hard for me in that fight that night" Ogiwara rubbed his nape. Hikari sigh, 'Quite annoying, although, his quite greedy to have that boy.' Hikari thought to herself deeply.

"Why does Akashi choose Kuroko..? Why of all person him?.. I was the first.. being his best friend." Ogiwara cleanched his fist a little.

"Your not the only one who
want's him.." Hikari said with a serious tone. "What do you mean..?.. Wait.. Kiro..???" Ogiwara asked. Hikari nodded her head in a reply, she couldn't hesitate it. She wanted him to know truth.

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