Chapter 61

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------No One's Pov-----

Kuroko was still on the Emperor's room. He was being carried in bridal by his Emperor. He saw the door is sliding open, "My dear?" Akashi smiled. "I already told you not to call me that" Kuroko look at him.

The Emperor chuckle, "Is it bad? I'll be your future husband soon enough" The Emperor smirk. He put the food down at the table, "Tetsuya, my lovely dear, here's your food" Akashi chuckle.

The bluenette smiled, "Thank you" Kuroko thank the Emperor. Akashi was very lucky to have this bluenette. Akashi kissed the bluenette's cheek's.

The bluenette look at the Emperor who sat beside him, the bluenette still not wearing his yukata, he was covered on a blanket.

"Tetsuya" Akashi called, "Yes??" Kuroko asked. "Do you love me? My Tetsuya?" Akashi caresses his cheek's. The bluenette smiled very warmly, "Yes" Kuroko nodded, he didn't hesitate to nod his head.

The Emperor smiled, he was going to kiss the bluenette, but he stop when someone knock his door. Akashi felt irritated.

"Open the door" Kuroko caresses his Emperor's cheek's. Akashi smiled and do what his lovely bluenette say's.

Akashi slide open the door. It was Midorima. "What do you want Shintarou? I'm quite busy." Akashi crossed his arm's.

Midorima's eye's widened when he saw the bluenette, has no clothes only the blanket on the bluenette. Midorima look away, he cough, "I'm sorry for-----" Akashi cut Midorima off.

"You saw it in the first place, didn't you Shintarou?"

That question make Midorima's eye's widened  "I-I.. A-Akashi---" Midorima felt those fear and shiver down his spine. Akashi walk and whisper to his ear.

"Daiki and Satsuki as well, if they hadn't find out then who know's what will happen? Shintarou, do you think I only focused on Tetsuya? I was actually looking on it, I'm not only focused on him but on my own surrounding. How dissapointment am I right now, Shintarou. Don't even think about something to Daiki and Satsuki, first of all, Ryouta was the one who first saw it."

Those word's make Midorima nodded,he felt those fear that the people has to the Emperor. 'H-How.. did he even.. saw it..?' Midorima thought so deeply. Akashi smiled and goes back to the room.

"Tell Daiki and Satsuki and even Ryouta that they don't need to be afraid, since I already know it." Akashi's eye's flickered in crimson and gold. He smirk and slide to close the door.

Midorima was surprise. So surprise that he can't even move of wherever is he standing. Midorima adjust his glasses,  'I need to tell Aomine and Moimoi even that childish Kise' Midorima suddenly walk away.


Inside the room, the bluenette look at him. "Who's that??" Kuroko asked, "It's just Shintarou, my lovely dear. Nothing more" Akashi sat beside the bluenette at the bed.

Kuroko was finished eating his dinner. Kuroko look at the window. "I think we should sleep, you just cleared my schedule in 2 Da------" Kuroko was cut off.

The Emperor was calling the bluenette's manager. "Clear his schedule in plus 5 or 3 More day's." He command, the bluenette sweatdrop. He heard the manager agreed with the Emperor. The Emperor suddenly hung up.

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