Chapter 28

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-----No One's Pov----

Morning arrive's, early at the morning, Kuroko was cooking his own breakfast, chopping some tomatoes and some vegetable's for his breakfast.

Kuroko heard someone was knocking at his door. Kuroko stop cooking and goes out to the kitchen.

He open's the door that it was the Emperor. "Good Morning Tetsuya" Akashi smiled sparkly today.

'He smiled sparkly today...' Kuroko thought to himself, "What's your answer?" Akashi look down at the bluenette. Kuroko smile sparkly and his answer was...

"No, I decline"

Kuroko shut the door, infront of the Emperor's face.

Akashi chuckle and cross his arm's, 'What an unacceptable answer I got today' Akashi thought to himself with an irk mark.

Every hour's, every minute. "No" Kuroko's answer. "I'll buy you hundred's or thousand's of milkshake" Akashi chuckle, but Kuroko's answer, "No".

Akashi smirk  "I'll pay your apartment in exact 12 Month's and plus 5 Month's" Akashi smiled, "No" Kuroko's dumbfounded answer. Kuroko was at his work while the Emperor watches him.

Kuroko looked at him. Akashi goes inside, "Are you willing to give up? Akashi kun" Kuroko asked.

Akashi smirk, "I don't know how to give up, Tetsuya." Akashi spoke. "You sure need me, what is the reason you need me?" Kuroko asked.

"I just want you to be my partner at the Ball soon enough, Tetsuya" Akashi chuckle.

Until they are at the rooftop. Kuroko look at the Emperor who was following him. Kuroko goes outside, the sky was pure sky blue that matche's his silky hair.

Akashi look how peacefully was the bluenette, looking at the sky that soft wind pass by. Kuroko's hair softly swayed by the wind and look at the Emperor.

Akashi was sgunned of how their eye's met. "I already said, I'll think about it" Kuroko spoke, Akashi couldn't help but smile. Kuroko turned around.

"So please let me---" Kuroko was cut off when the Emperor gave him a sudden hug at the back. "But I want your answer now Tetsuya.." Akashi whisper.

Kuroko's eye's widened of how soft he was. He softly touches his arm, "I'll wait for your answer's tonight.." Akashi whisper. Kuroko couldn't help it.

He couldn't help the Emperor's soft hugged and action's toward's him. "I'll... give my answer tonight then.." Kuroko whisper making the Emperor smiled.

While Kiro who was going to call the bluenette, it was cut off when he saw the both of them. Kiro couldn't move at his spot, he couldn't expect this. Inside of him, he didn't want to see it.

The time when Akashi smile and release the bluenette, he walk away, walking toward's Kiro. Kiro suddenly run down and pretend taking picture's. He did not know that Akashi saw him. It was quite complicated for the both of them, having the bluenette.

The Emperor goes into his car and drove off into the bluenette's workplace.

Until it was exact dawn, they are in the Emperor's office. Kuroko's answer was still in thought's every offer of the Emperor. Akashi hummed and still thinking of what will he do, to make the bluenette say "Yes".

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