Chapter 43

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------No One's Pov----

Morning arrives, Kuroko was the first one who woke up. The bluenette goes outside the tent and stretch himself. He grab his toothbrush on hus bag and a mug. Straightly to the river.

He grab some water on the river and going back to their spot  but he stop when the Emperor saw him. "Good Morning, my ankle is fine now, thank you" Kuroko greeted and thank the Emperor.

"Good Morning, Tetsuya" Akashi greeted back. Kuroko start's brushing his teeth. "Tetsuya, about last night, about that joke" Akashi said in a serious tone, looking forwardly at the bluenette. After Kuroko brushing his teeth, he put his topthbrush on the mug.

"What about that last night?" He turned around to the Emperor. "It was not a funny joke." Akashi walk close to the bluenette, while at the tent. Hiroshi yawned, he saw Kiro and Rikoto was still sleeping as hell.

Hiroshi sigh and grab his toothbrush. He goes outside the tent, he was going straightly to river until he saw the Emperor and the bluenette.

He was going to wave until he heard them talking seriously. He secretly goes behind the bushes and crawl just to listen and to see their conversation.

"You do know that I'm not good at joke's. Most of all, I never knew who should I desire since it was not true Akashi kun. Just a joke." Kuroko explained while Hiroshi hummed and look at the Emperor.

"Oh? I was waiting on it to have you" The Emperor chuckle. 'To have him?.. What is going on with them?' Kiro was surprise at those word's.

"Akashi Kun, I'm not answering you yet. Please understand that." Kuroko said, the Emperor chuckle. He walk closer to hugged the bluenette tight, he wrap his arm's around his waist.

Hiroshi's eye's widened. "Akashi Kun?" the bluenette called, "Yes?" Akashi smile, "It's nothing" Kuroko sigh, letting him be just ro hugged him.

When the bluenette just leaned to his chest, he saw Hiroshi. Hiroshi and Kuroko's eye's met. Hiroshi's eye's widened, 'Shit.. he saw me, this might be my opportunity to run' Hiroshi thought to himself. He was surprise when the bluenette didn't say anything.

The bluenette softly wrapped his arm's at the Emperor, while leaning on his chest. Kuroko look at Hiroshi, 'A-Are.. they in a r-r-relationship?' Hiroshi couldn't say any word's.

The bluenette suddenly pull out the hug, "Someone might see us" Kuroko said in a blank tone. "I don't care if someone see us, Tetsuya" Akashi chuckle that he kiss the bluenette's forehead.

Hiroshi couldn't believe of what he is seeing right now. He suddenly crawled away and tried to forget of what he saw, 'Akashi Sama want's him?.. Akashi Sama want's to have that boy???' Hiroshi's mind was full of questions.

Kuroko goes back, he saw Hiroshi was going inside the tent. The bluenette let him be. The Emperor who hummed softly. "Tetsuya" he called.

Kuroko goes to the Emperor, Rikoto and Shizuki woke up. They go outside their tent. Rikoto saw Hiroshi was quite whispering himself.

"Hey, do you always notice that the Akashi sama always going to Kuroko???" Rikoto whisper to Hiroshi and Shizuki, "He's got a-----" Shizuki was cut off when Hiroshi spoke "Ah well.. They are close because t-they are more than friend's.. I-I think" Hiroshi whisper the last part.

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