Chapter 60

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------No One's Pov----

It was silence after that. Kuroko look at them in confusedment, "I'm.. literally surprise Tetsu Kun, what I mean is.. well, your quite fast to move on" Moimoi said in a warm tone. Kuroko look down at the table, "Maybe.. A little" Kuroko smiled. Akashi look at the bluenette.

"Let's drink!!!!" Aomine and Kagami cheered while Murasakibara just shake his hand, up and down. Kise cheered as well, "Yoohoo!!" even though their not at the party.

Midorima on the other hand, has a secretly eyeing the Emperor and the bluenette. Of how the bluenette smile so warm infront of the Emperor. The Emperor was chuckling about the bluenette. Moimoi and Ayane suddenly sat beside Midorima.

"Hey Midorima, isn't it curious that Kuroko and Akashi Sama are really friend's?? I'm just curious 'cause look at them.. they seemed hiding something" Ayane whisper.

Moimoi nodded, "Maybe Akashi kun's best friend is Tetsu Kun" Moimoi added, while Midorima on the other hand, he can't tell it so easily infront of the Emperor.

Midorima's eye's widened when he felt those cold gaze of the Empeor. He felt that the Emperor is smirking at him. Kuroko look at Midorima, 'Did he knew..?' Kuroko thought. The bluenette hummed softly, he can see the Emperor's smirk.


Night time arrives, it was exact that their going into a hot spring in Onsen. "Oh wow! Such a clean hot spring!!" Aomine jump. While Kise sweatdrop, "Can you please not to jump Aominecchi!!!" Kise shouted with an irk mark.

While Midorima just walk into the hot spring. Murasakibara was beside the big rock, he did not bring food, but he admit that he has still left some food that he hide under the table.

They had enjoy the bath, Kuroko was on the other side, not the other side in the girl's. He was far away from the Miracle's.

Kuroko want to be alone for some reason other reason. "Yo Tetsuya" He look beside him, it was the Emperor.

"Hello" Kuroko wave. Akashi chuckle. Kuroko look up to the sky. The Emperor chuckle and kissed the bluenette's cheek's. Kuroko didn't mind it at all, it was his lover after all.

When someone is coming, Akashi suddenly goes away a little. He can still see the bluenette, was peace and quiet. The way the Emperor look at him was different than the other's. Akashi hummed and look up to the sky with the star's. The Emperor was quite peaceful.

When he gaze at the bluenette again, his eye's widened a little, he saw the bluenette fix his hair at the ear, sliding down until neck and until down to it's chest, slowly and softly bare to the bluenette's skin. He can even saw those soft blush on the bluenette's cheek.

Kuroko notice that Akashi is been staring him, Kuroko look at him back, "Is their something wrong?" Kuroko asked. By the time the bluenette does that, Akashi felt that he wanted to touch the bluenette's bare skin.

Those rosy lip's of the bluenette. "Ah.. It's nothing" Akashi awkwardly chuckle, he has a slight blush on his cheek's when he saw that part.

How the bluenette slide his finger's on his bare skin. Akashi couldn't forgethow his finger's slide so smoothly. The Emperor heard a splash.

"Tetsuya---" He was cut off when the bluenette fainted. "Tetsuya!" Akashi suddenly hold the bluenette.

Any Minute Later.

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