Chapter 20

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------No One's Pov-----

Kuroko didn't fall asleep and search the woman's name.  His eye's widened, every picture of her's, was every different men's.

Then he even saw the Picture of Ogiwara and her. He search for Ogiwara's name. That's when he saw a new girl beside Ogiwara's picture.

'Why.. why does it....feel like this.. I don't feel the pain anymore' Kuroko look all the picture's. He doesn't felt the pain that he has at the time back then. The bluenette touches his chest, "Why do I felt nothing but.. someone" Kuroko whisper.

He closed his laptop. The bluenette look at the camera. Kuroko look every picture's that he have. Akashi has sent a text to him for coming at his office at the Morning. 'I have work.. How can I---' his thought's was cut off when he saw another text.

"From : Akashi Seijuro
To : Kuroko Tetsuya
Subject : Breakfast

Don't be late for tomorrow's breakfast at my office, I've prepared it. Don't worry about your job, you will not be fired since I can handle all of it for you"

Kuroko sigh when he read that, he change Akashi's nickname to "Mr. Demon" since for him, he was like a demon but kind to him. Kuroko turned off his phone that he lay to the bed. 'I feel sleepy.. I want someone to hugged me right now' Kuroko's vision becomes blurry until he fall asleep.


Morning arrive's, Kuroko put the camera at his bag. He was going to the Emperor's building, "Kuroko!!" Someone called that it was Kiro.

"Kiro kun?" he asked. "Let's walk together at our workplace?" Kiro smiled. "I'm sorry but I have to decline, I will go to Akashi Kun's building, he just text me last night" Kuroko bowed and walk away.

Kiro tried to reach him, he wanted the bluenette to stay. He wanted him so much. 'Kuroko... I will not gave up on you' Kiro walk into other direction.

The bluenette uses the taxi. Kiro hummed when the taxi drove away. Kuroko look at other several text's. When he arrive, he pay the taxi with his old money.

Good thjng the taxi driver accept it. He was going straight to the Emperor's office. The time that he really arrive infront of the door, he open's it.

"Good Morning Tetsuya" Akashi smiled. "Good Morning---" Kuroko was cut off when it was her. The woman  name  Hikari Suzume.

"Oh my, Kuroko Kun?" those word's making the bluenette want to split in disgust. "You two know eachother? I am quite surprise" The Emperor stand up.

The woman smiled so innocent, that even though she's wearing the mask that she always do. Pretending to be so pure. Akashi felt it as well, 'She seems good at hiding her indentity..' The Emperor even saw those smirk at his lip's.

"Tetsuya, I prepare some--" Akashi was cut off when he saw the bluenette, shaking, hugging his bag so tight.

"I.. I have to go.." Akashi was going to reach him but Kuroko suddenly walk away. The woman was going to hold the Emperor but the Emperor followed the bluenette.

'He seems harder than I thought..' Hikari hummed. When Akashi grab his wrist. "Tetsuya, what's wrong? What's the matter?" Akashi softly go outside that they go inside at Akashi's car. It was silence. 'He seems afraid..' Akashi drove off. Hikari saw him drove off.

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