Chapter 2

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-----No One's Pov---

They did it, in one night stand that Kuroko accept for his friend. It was quite hard for him to accept the fact that his using his body just to sign the paper, exchanging his own body is quite pain for him, but he has no choice but to accept it. Even though he is male, he just have to do it.

Until it was morning..

Kuroko suddenly wake up, the man beside him is gone. His legs are quite of sore, he suddenly grab the paper and look at it. It has a sign.

Kuroko fastly get off of the bed and starts to wear his clothes fastly, after he wears it, he fastly grab the paper.

Goes outside the room.

In an hour later, he was now walking, trying to find Kiro. He remember's of where will they meet. He suddenly goes to the place of where will they meet at the early of the morning. "Kiro Kun!" He called.

Kiro turned around. "Kuroko!!!" He wave with a smile. Kuroko gave the paper, it was signed. He smiled happily and hugged Kuroko tight.

He cried in happiness. "Thank you! Thank you!!"  Kuroko nodded blankly. "Please don't hug me too tight, I can't breath, Kiro Jun" he spoke.

Kiro smiled and releases him. "Let's have a lunch together, My Treat!!" Kuroko just nodded.


On the Emperor's office, the Emperor was thinking of something, his smirk couldn't fade away because of last night. "Akashi Sama.. you seemed found something interesting?" Mayuzumi asked.

Akashi replied Mayuzumi.. "It's not something, Chichiro, it is someone" the Emperor cross his arms and leaned to his chair.

He still remember his name, the bluenette's name was on the paper. "Kuroko.. Tetsuya.." the bluenette's name rolled on his tounge in a whisper that Mayuzumi didn't hear.

Mayuzumi look at him, he asked the Emperor " did something happened last night??" Akashi suddenly look at Mayuzumi.

"Yes, it is quite a one night stand" the Emperor stands up.  "O-One night stand? But with who? You always rejected every women in---" he was cut off.

"He is not a women, Chichiro, he is a male" Akashi put his two hands at his pocket. 'It seemed I have to find that boy soon enough' he still remember's of how Kuroko look at him with no fear, no hesitation and just an expressionless face.

That it was not like an open book to read a person, he was different. Not easy to know his blank expression, he was like a doll.

The Emperor find it quite interesting, he was curious of where he live, he was curious of what is he doing.

'.... Kuroko Tetsuya.. what are you up to this time..?'

Mayuzumi can see he was curious. Mayuzumi is also curious of who is the male that he is talking about. "Then Akashi Sama, are you going to have him as an escort??" He asked.

"Why would I want him to be my Escort? Chichiro, I don't have any Escort but even him, I can't make him an Escort, he is quite different for me." His smirk grew more.

Mayuzumi felt that he wants to find the boy that he is looking for. He look at the files. "Akashi Sama, the meeting is almost time" Mayuzumi spoke, Akashi nodded and stands up. "Let's go now, Chichiro" he walks out to his office.

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