Chapter 56

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------No One's Pov----

By the morning, Kuroko and Akashi are having a hot bath together. They will leave soon enough at the hotel.

Kuroko sigh softly, Akashi who kissed his back. "Tetsuya" The Emperor called, kissing the bluenette's nape.

Kuroko look at him, "Yes?" Kuroko can tell his really greedy. "Should we confirm our relationship? On social media? On everyone?" That question make the bluenette froze when Akashi asked that question.

"I.. I don't know.. I prefer.. not telling it yet" Kuroko hugged his knee's. "Why not? We're both having a relationship now" The Emperor chuckle.

"So they should know where you belong" Akashi whisper to the bluenette's ear. Kuroko just stayed silent after a while.

"Well, I'm still not sure about it, confirming our relationship in public.. I think we should probably make it a private secret relationship for now.." Kuroko explained while hugging his own knee's. "Is their something wrong?" Akashi asked the bluenette warmly.

"Nothing's Wrong, I'm just scared that's all" Kuroko said in a honest tone, he admitted that he was afraid.

"What are you going to be afraid about?" About the a people who might treat you not well because your lover is Me?" Akashi asked.

Kuroko admit that he was correct about that, "Yes.. I don't like many interviewers everyday when I woke up. Everyday when I go out. So please keep this a secret" Kuroko sigh. The Emperor smiled.

"As you wish, as your lover Tetsuya, I'll get anything you want as always." Akashi whisper and kisses the bluenette's ear. "Please don't spoil me" Kuroko spoke.

Akashi chuckle, the Emperor kissed the back of the bluenette's hand. He suddenly licked the bluenette's finger's. Kuroko gaze at the Emperor.

Akashi smiled, the Emperor kissed the bluenette. They stayed in a bath. Longer than they thought. They kissed more often.

Akashi caresses the bluenette's cheek, he kissed more deeper for the bluenette. They stayed more into the bath until the Emperor has no longer control. While the bluenette looked at him, look only the person that he loves.

'I guess.. I'll.. go on with it'


At work.

Kiro was waiting for the bluenette. He saw the bluenette waving at him. Kuroko walk infront of Kiro. The Manager walk up to him, "Your late again, don't be late!" the manager shouted.

Kuroko fastly nodded. "Y-Yes, I'm sorry" Kuroko bowed. The Manager sigh and walk away. Kiro smiled, "Oh wow I'm glad you make it!" Kiro smiled.

Kuroko admit that he missed his bestfriend smile for him. Kuroko smiled him back and nodded. "Let's get to work!" Kiro smiled cheerfully. Kuroko opened his bag and grab his camera.

Kiro notice when Kuroko was walking, Kuroko was a very tired. Kiro was confused why. "Kuroko" He called, Kuroko looked at him.

"Yes?" Kuroko asked Kiro. Ayane look at them. "You seemed very tired lately? Did something happened? Your legs is quite tired, really tired" Kiro said in a honest tone, it was the truth.

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