Chapter 57

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------No One's Pov----

Kuroko kept feeding his lover the Emperor. Hour's pass by that the meeting ended. Kuroko felt embarrased infront of them for feeding the Emperor.

Everybody stand up even the assistant and bowed at the Emperor. Except the bluenette who was just closing the bento. 'Their sure respectful.. to him' Kuroko look at the Emperor.

"Let's go Tetsuya" Akashi said with a warm tone. Kuroko look at the Emperor. Kuroko just nodded. The bluenette stand, the Emperor smiled and softly pull the bluenette into the bluenette's waist.

Hayama wanted to cheered. Akashi and Kuroko goes out in the office. Every assistant bowed at the Emperor.

"Their sure afraid of you..." Kuroko whisper. Akashi chuckle, "Such a compliment" Akashi wrapped his one arm around the bluenette.

They go inside the elevator. Hayama was with them. "Akashi Sama it seems you have a good life" Hayama chuckle, Kuroko looked back at him.

The bluenette smile brightly, "Their still have some lunch left, Hayama Kun, you can have it if you want?" The bluenette smiled so warm.

When the Emperor saw it, that the bluenette was smiling on someone else and the bluenette's bento who cooked for the Emperor, is giving it to Hayama.

Akashi growl a little that he grabbed the bluenette to pull it close to him, "Is their something wrong? Akashi Kun?" Kuroko asked.

Akashi clicked his tounge, 'So Tetsuya can smile on someone else? Who say's that I'll allow him to smile on someone else and that bento.. is my Tetsuya's cooking.. how can I give it to someone else?' Akashi gritted his teeth.

Hayama gulped and step back. Hayama sense the Emperor's anger. Kuroko look at the Emperor, "Akashi kun I asked you if it's their something----" Akashi cut the bluenette off, "Tetsuya, your not allowed to give that lunch to someone else. You cook it for me, mean's you can't give it to someone else. Let's Go." The Emperor command coldly and grab the bluenette's wrist out of the elevator.

Hayama sweatdrop, 'It seems Akashi Sama's jealousy is.. wilder than I thought' Hayama scratches his head.

They arrive at the Emperor's huge office. Akashi opened the big two door's, Kuroko followed. Kuroko was confused of what's going on. The bluenette was curious about it.

"Akashi Kun? Are you alright?" The bluenette was quite a worried for his lover. The Emperor can't imagune that the bluenette can smile so warm and bright to someone else.

How the bluenette cook for someone else, how he smiled. The Emperor sat at his chair at the table and opened his latop. "Akashi Kun?" Kuroko walk to the Emperor. He put the bento box down the Emperor's boss table.

"Come closer" Akashi command, the bluenette come closer. Kuroko was surprise when Akashj pulled him into his lap. Sitting the bluenette at his lap.

Facing the Emperor. Akashi look up a little to the bluenette. "Someone might see us, please be careful at-----" Kuroko was cut off.

"Your not allowed to cook some food for other's, Tetsuya. Your not allowed to smiled so bright, whenever you see someone" Akashi spoke coldly.

"Why Not?? Akashi Kun, is it bad to smile?" The bluenette asked, the Emperor just look at him, "Of course not, Tetsuya. You are my Tetsuya after all, I just don't want to see you smiling at someone else than me." Akashi admit.

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