Chapter 58

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-------No One's Pov-----

"Kise??" Aomine asked. "Let's just barge in, what's wrong with you?" Aomine asked. Kise sweatdrop, "W-Well.. We need to knock first Aominecchi! A-Akashicchi might kill u-us!" Kise sweatdrop.

'A-And I d-don't want to be killed!' Kise added in his thoughts. Aomine and the other's are confused. "What do you mean nanodayo?? Just let us in" Midorima sigh, adjusting his glasses.

Murasakibara sigh, he walk passes and just knock at the door. "M-Murasakibaracchi!!!" Kise shouted. Murasakibara look down at him. In any second, the door was opened by Kuroko. "Kurochin? Your here??" Murasakibara asked, Kuroko nodded at him in reply.

"Tetsu Kun!!!" Moimoi suddenly ran and hugged the bluenette. "M-Moimoi san I-I can't----" Kuroko was cut off, when Aomine grab Moimoi. "Dai Chan!" Moimoi shouted.

"The hell Satsuki! Your going to kill Tetsu!" "Aomine shouted. "For some reason the cousin of yours never get tired chasing and hugging Kuroko" Kagami said. "Kagami Kun I'm not!!!" Moimoi pouted.

They all go inside the office. "Yo Akashi!" Kagami shouted. "Taiga? Everyone, I'm surprise in your sudden visit." Akashi chuckle. "Yeah, since we are free, why don't we have fun?" They all turned to Aomine.

"Have fun???" Kuroko asked. "Yes, Tetsu Kun! Akashi Kun! Since you've been always hard work on paperworks! Why don't we go into your private onsen!!" Moimoi shouted in excitement.

"Beach!" Aomine shouted, "Onsen!!" Moimoi shouted back. Kuroko sweatdrop, "Minechin and Moimoichin are annoying.." Murasakibara yawn.

They gritted their teeth and look at the bluenette. "Tetsu Kun!/Tetsu! What do you choose!?" Aomine and Moimoi shouted. Kagami facepalm.

"I uh.. Why don't you guy's choose both..?? First onsen in Moimoi San and second beach" Kuroko sweatdrop.

"See! Dai chan Onsen is better!" Moimoi shouted. Kuroko look at the time, "I think I need to go now." Kuroko said while looking at the clock.

"Where will you go Tetsuya?" Akashi stand up from his chair. "At work" Kuroko replied. "Hey Akashi, why don't we let Kuroko join in the Onsen of your's?? Just clear his schedule" They all turned into Kagami.

"His correct Akashi, not that I care about Kuroko or anything nanodayo, but I think it's the best way to let him join in." Midorima said in a warm tone. Kuroko look at them.

Kise added, "It's true!! Let's join Kurokocchi!!!" Kise's eye's sparkles. The Emperor softly smirk, "Of course, Tetsuya will join." he suddenly walk to his bluenette.

Kuroko look up to him. Akashi leaned and whisper something to the bluenette, everybody was confused of what is he whispering about.

The Emperor secretly kisses the bluenette's cheek. The bluenette nodded slowly snd walk away. The bluenette goes out of the Emperor's office.

"Everyone, let's meet up tomorrow afternoon. We will go to my Onsen." Akashi explained, "Wait what about Tetsu?? Will he come?" Aomine asked.

Akashi nodded, "Yes, he will" Akashi smiled and walk to his seat. "This will be exciting!" Kise and Moimoi cheered. Kagami and Aomine just sat at the sofa. While Murasakibara yawned.

Midorima look at Akashi, 'This is quite strange.. how he act earlier' Midorima thought.


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