Chapter 27

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------No One's Pov-----

At the office and every meeting, Hayama and other assistant's are getting scared of the Emperor. The Emperor Akashi Seijuro was so calm, mostly the meeting that he can't predict his smile or signature smirk at his face. He couldn't rid of it. They arrive Akashi's office.

Hayama look at the Emperor, "Akashi Sama... you wouldn't mind me asking right?" Hayama cough, "Yes, what do you want to asked?" Akashi asked him, "I well.. I was just been wondering that it felt like your in a good mood today.. d-did something happened?" Hayama asked, "Nothing happened" Akashi chuckle.

He remember's the bluenette, Kuroko's smile with a soft blush on the bluenette's cheek's while kissing his forehead. Akashi stand up, "We have another meeting, handle the paperwork's" Akashi command coldly as ever.

He hummed softly and curious about the bluenette, he started texting the bluenette. By the time that it was afternoon, Akashi was droving home, he saw the bluenette walking at the street, with Aomine.

He hummed and smiled that drove straightly. Their's no doubt that Kuroko saw that car of his. Kuroko hummed softly, "Is their something wrong Tetsu?" Kiro asked him.

"It's nothing, where's Kagami Kun?" Kuroko asked, "Ah at his job, that Bakagami always busy" Aomine replied the bluenette.

"Please be considerate, his doing all his best. What about you Aomine Kun? Your a police you should capture bad guy's at this day" Kuroko sigh annoyingly.

"By the way Tetsu, have you heard a ball at Akashi's place? No not Akashi's place, somewhere quite far. I was kinda invited by someone" Aomine scratches his head, changing the subject. "Nah I'll skip" Aomine sigh.

"Aomine Kun, don't you think that you don't need to skip? It's a party after all, a ball where you can dance and also like a party" Kuroko sigh and sip his vanilla milkshake.

"Yeah, why don't you come with me---" Aomine was cut off with the bluenette, "I decline, I'm not rich as you and I'm not invited. How can I come? Most of all it's not my habit going to the ball or party since I have low presence that no one can sense me, it will be hard for me just to stay put at corner alone" Kuroko explained blankly.

"I see" Aomine sigh again, "Your sighing too much" Kuroko spoke and sip his vanilla milkshake. "Where's Kiro??" Aomine asked, "His busy at the workplace, today is my free time all day. Akashi kun change my schedule to rest" Kuroko spoke.

"Cool for you but for me, my schedule is always full catching some shit's all around" Aomine yawned.

"Word's Aomine Kun, you should careful on your word's, your a police not a burgler" Kuroko spoke. "That's harsh" Aomine sweatdrop. "Sorry about that" Kuroko sigh.

Aomine look at the bluenette, he smile and ruffled his hair. "I already recognize something from you Tetsu, I realize that their's more about the two of you" Aomine spoke. Kuroko look at him, he knew what he meant. "Where just friend's" Kuroko stated.


While at the Mansion, Akashi hummed and read the invitation. "Akashi sama, they said you were invited by the birthday girl on Kyoto's huge ball" one of the Emperor's servant's spoke. "I see" Akashi hummed.

Even Murasakibara, Midorima, Kagami and Kise had an invitation for a huge ball birthday in Kyoto. After 5 Day's. Kise could not understand but he was busy, as for Midorima, he was busy with a patient.

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